5 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Peary Caribou and Dolphin Union Caribou Traditional Knowledge in the ISR
Principal Investigator: Davison, Tracy
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT) and the Government of NWT’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources are conducting a Peary Caribou and Dolphin-Union Caribou traditional knowledge project in the ISR. The purpose of the study is to gather local and traditional knowledge on Peary caribou and Dolphin-Union Caribou. This information will be used alongside scientific informati...

Polar bear traditional knowledge for the Beaufort Sea
Principal Investigator: Maraj, Ramona
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: Local and traditional knowledge will be collected related to the population status of polar bears, and the influence that climate change has had on polar bears and their habitat in the Beaufort Sea. The information from interviews will be used to develop a description of acceptable management practices and management goals for polar bears and compare this information to science-based information ...

Qiviuq Collection
Principal Investigator: Katz, Sharon
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The objectives of the research are to: investigate ways of introducing man-made items into musk ox habitat with minimal disturbance; observe if wild musk oxen will physically interact with a man-made addition to their habitat; test the efficacy of the “muskombs” (scratching posts for musk oxen); and collect qiviuq (musk ox down wool). The results of this research will be presented to Inuvialuit gr...

Monitoring ringed seals in domestic harvests at Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk and Holman, NWT, in 1993
Principal Investigator: Harwood, Lois
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: Members of each of the communities will be hired to sample and measure the ringed seals taken in the spring and summer harvests. These monitors will be trained prior to the field season in order to collect data on the size and location of the harvests, as well as measurements on the seals harvested including sexual maturity, health, and condition. Samples of tissue taken will include jaws, lungs...

Licence #2585
Principal Investigator: Jacobson, Roy
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To undertake a study of how the land and its resources (wildlife principally) are utilized in the day to day life of the residents of the communities....