28 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Tracking Change... Local and Traditional Knowledge in Watershed Governance
Principal Investigator: Parlee, Brenda L
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2019 2019 2017 2016
Summary: The broad goal of the project is to create opportunities to collaboratively document and share local and traditional knowledge (LTK) about social-ecological change in the Mackenzie River Basin, Lower Mekong, and Lower Amazon Basins and determine its’ role in watershed governance. The project will fund 8-10 community-based and collaborative research activities in the Mackenzie River Basin that deal...

Nunamin Illihakvia: Learning from the Land (year 2 onward)
Principal Investigator: Pearce, Tristan D
Licensed Year(s): 2014 2013
Summary: The Nunamin Illihakvia project is dedicated to enabling the transfer of traditional knowledge, skill sets and values, based on Inuit knowledge and guiding principles in a changing climate. The specific objectives are to: 1) Facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills among experienced hunters, Elders and younger generation Inuit for how to make seal hunting equipment, how to travel on the s...

Inuit travels in contemporary times
Principal Investigator: Collignon, Beatrice M.
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: The main goal of this project is to gather data about how much Ulukhaktuurmiut do travel outside of their area and to understand how they feel about travelling to other lands and places, in order to: 1- Acknowledge the fact that travelling is as important today as it was in the past. People still travel a lot on the land, to familiar places, but also travel to other lands and places. One outcom...

Pitquhiraluavut Puiglimiatavut (We will not forget our ways): Bringing home photographs of the Inuinnait Collection at the British Museum
Principal Investigator: Balanoff, Helen
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2007 2007
Summary: Through a partnership of Inuinnait communities and the British Museum, this project aims to repatriate traditional knowledge (language, literacies, narratives, values and beliefs) through viewing and visiting “things that talk” (historical photographs and objects) currently in the British Museum in London, England. This project involves visual repatriation of traditional knowledge through histo...

Learning the Language of the Land: The representation of land in web-based Indigenous language education
Principal Investigator: Parker, Aliana
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The research objective is to understand the connection between Indigenous languages and the land, and to explore how that connection is represented in websites used for Indigenous language education. The central research question is: What is the significance of Indigenous perspectives of land for Indigenous language revitalization efforts? The connection between language and land will be the main ...

Peary Caribou and Dolphin Union Caribou Traditional Knowledge in the ISR
Principal Investigator: Davison, Tracy
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT) and the Government of NWT’s Department of Environment and Natural Resources are conducting a Peary Caribou and Dolphin-Union Caribou traditional knowledge project in the ISR. The purpose of the study is to gather local and traditional knowledge on Peary caribou and Dolphin-Union Caribou. This information will be used alongside scientific informati...

Climate change impacts on Inuit food security in Canada’s Western Arctic: Constructing a comparative anthropological model to guide adaptation planning
Principal Investigator: Douglas, Vasiliki K
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2010
Summary: The purpose of this project is to assist the Inuvialuit in adaptation planning that will meet ongoing environmental and social challenges, while also maintaining their rights under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The existing knowledge, skills and networks that facilitate such adaptations are important community ‘assets’ that form the basis of capacity-building. The goal of...

BP Traditional Knowledge Collection Programme
Principal Investigator: Goodjohn, Mitchell T.
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2010
Summary: The objective of the TK Programme is to collect baseline data to enhance BP's understanding of traditional resources and the marine environment in the Project area; and the use of resources by community members. The information will be used to assess the potential and residual impacts of the Project on traditional resources and their use, as well as the marine environment. The information will b...

Polar bear traditional knowledge for the Beaufort Sea
Principal Investigator: Maraj, Ramona
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: The researcher will gather local and traditional knowledge related to the population status of polar bears, and the influence that climate change has had on polar bears and their habitat in the Beaufort Sea. The information from interviews will be used to develop a description of acceptable management practices and management goals for polar bears. The researcher can then compare that information ...

Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study - Team 10, Traditional Knowledge Study
Principal Investigator: Nickels, Scot
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: This project aims to work with traditional knowledge holders and local experts of the communities of Sachs Harbour, Ulukhaktok, and Paulatuk, to document the following three areas with special emphasis on their relation to the Beaufort Sea circumpolar flaw lead: 1. Historical scan and analysis of Inuvialuit Knowledge of sea ice use and ecology of the flaw lead (information, maps, and literatu...