BP Traditional Knowledge Collection Programme

Regions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area

Tags: social sciences, traditional knowledge, marine environment, resource use

Principal Investigator: Goodjohn, Mitchell T. (2)
Licence Number: 14703
Organization: Golder Associates Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2010
Issued: Apr 28, 2010
Project Team: Ernest Pokiak, Mitchell Goodjohn, Ed Kempenaar, Julia Krizan, Tawny Foote

Objective(s): To collect baseline data to enhance BP's understanding of traditional resources and the marine environment in the Project area; and the use of resources by community members.

Project Description: The objective of the TK Programme is to collect baseline data to enhance BP's understanding of traditional resources and the marine environment in the Project area; and the use of resources by community members. The information will be used to assess the potential and residual impacts of the Project on traditional resources and their use, as well as the marine environment. The information will be further used to outline impact mitigation in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). The TK Programme may include, in addition to reviews of secondary data sources, key informant interviews and focus group discussion in each of the six Inuvialuit communities. Interviews and focus groups are expected to last under two hours. Information will be recorded in field notes, audio recordings, and on maps. Key informant interviews and focus group discussion methodologies use guides, or semi-structured instruments, rather than questionnaires. The guides are not meant to be strictly adhered to, as it is important to allow people to talk about their knowledge of the Project area. Additionally, different guides are used with different informants or focus groups, as each may have particular areas of expertise or interest. A generic copy of a key informant interview and focus group discussion guide is attached. The final guides will be agreed upon during discussions with community representatives during a project planning meeting. The interviews will be conducted by the Lead Interviewer and Translator from the research team in conjunction with a local research assistant. The Principle Investigator or one of the Traditional Studies Facilitators will also be present during the interviews or focus groups to oversee proper research procedures. Translation will be provided where requested. Participants are expected to be people who are the most knowledgeable about traditional resources, resource use, and the marine environment in the Project area. Study participants will be selected through planning discussions and meetings with Community Corporations and HTCs. The results of the TK Programme, as a non-technical summary, will be presented to the TK collection participants and the participating communities. The ESIA review process includes the distribution of documentation to all interested parties in the NWT. There will be an opportunity for participants to review and screen the draft reports before they are included in the ESIA. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from April 29, 2010 to December 31, 2010.