Principal Investigator:Pardhan, Aliya Licensed Year(s):
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #928.
The objectives of this research are: i) to define the burden of infectious GI illness including incidence of specific diseases, symptoms, hospitalizations ii) to characterize risk factors for exposure including geographic distribution of disease, impact of weather variables and potential impact of climate change iii) to ...
Principal Investigator:Malazdrewicz, Valerie Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to establish the oral health status of the average Inuk which will be directly comparable to the oral health status of the average Canadian.
The survey team, comprised of a dentist examiner(s) and clinic coordinator(s) will visit Tuktoyaktuk for approximately 2 weeks in length. Potential participants will be identified then randomly selected from the list. Pa...
Principal Investigator:Valaitis, Ruta Licensed Year(s):
This licence is issued for the scientific research application #917.
The objectives of this research are 1) to identify community health nurses current practice activities and their continuing education needs based on the Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice 2) to investigate differences in continuing education needs by: i. workplace setting (e.g. primary care, home health care, publi...
Principal Investigator:Graham, John R. Licensed Year(s):2010
2007 Summary:
This study will ultimately allow the researchers to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on the subjective well being (SWB) of practicing social workers in northern communities, and develop recommendations for both the individual social worker and the employer that are likely to enhance SWB in social workers.
This research will involve a postal survey sent to 145 members of the Ass...
Principal Investigator:Egeland, Grace M Licensed Year(s):2010
This licence was issued for the scientific research application #740.
The Inuit Health Survey was developed to better understand the factors contributing to Inuit health and the Inuit spirit of thriving in the face of changes. This health information has practical relevance and allows informed decisions to help minimize the negative consequences of the rapid transitions that continue to occur ...
Principal Investigator:Chan, Laurie H. M. Licensed Year(s):
This study seeks to identify levels of contaminants in country foods in the region from which to estimate body burden of contaminants in participants of the Inuit Health Survey. The data will be utilized to assess the overall health status of survey participants, which will include studying the relationship between diet intake of contaminants and body burden; evaluating the complex interactions be...
Principal Investigator:Klein, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
, which was submitted in August 2006. The application has been distributed for consultation, concerns have been addressed, and the application was approved by the community organizations and received ethics approval. The licence was not issued at the time. The study will only be conducted now in 2008.
The objective of this study is to determine the attitudes and beliefs of urban and rural mater...
Principal Investigator:Freeland Ballantyne, Erin A Licensed Year(s):
2007 Summary:
The project facilitates the training of a youth researcher team in Fort Simpson and Tuktoyaktuk through a process of participatory video to learn with community members about the concerns and impacts of climate change and oil and gas development on well-being in the community.
The community will form a research team to guide the project, directed through youth-lead focus groups. Participants wi...
Principal Investigator:Kronstal, Alana Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research is to document the experiences, perspectives and support needs of community mental health and addiction workers in the NWT.
The researcher will gather data through interviews with GNWT mental health and addictions service providers in various communities. Paraprofessionals from all of the regional health authorities will be asked to volunteer to participate in the ...
Principal Investigator:Underwood, Jane Licensed Year(s):
This study is the third part of a 3- project study that began in September 2006. Its overall goal is to investigate how community health nursing (CHN) services could be optimized. Project 1 explored the demographic characteristics of community health nurses in Canada by reviewing CIHI data from the nursing colleges. Project 2 involved a survey of CHNs across Canada (except Ontario) using a stratif...