Principal Investigator:de Rham, Laurent Licensed Year(s):
It is known that extreme flood levels within the Mackenzie River Basin are caused by ice jamming events. Analysis of open water versus ice influenced water levels at several sites within the Mackenzie River Basin will provide further quantification of th...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on watercourse crossings located within the tentative pipeline corridor in the Sahtu Settlement Area. Surveys of fish and fish habitat will be made at 62 permanently flowing watercourses, as well as 15 intermittent streams. These studies will include hydrology and water quality work as well. All of the aquatic ...
Principal Investigator:Melton, Derek Licensed Year(s):2002
Researchers will assess fish habitat (by documenting the potential of waterbodies) and to determine the presence or absense of wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project. A search for registered archaelogical sites within the proposed area will also be undertaken. Information from these studies will form part of an environmental assessment for the proposed project. Researchers will access...
Principal Investigator:McLeod, Curtis Licensed Year(s):
To document fish use of shalllow side-channel areas or river margins and to estimate the effect of water level changes on fish habitat. Detailed physical data collection (water levels, velocity and sediment samples) will be undertaken, data will also be collected of fish and small invertebrate use of habitat....