Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
2002 Summary:
These terrestrial studies will include vegetation and soils investigations. The primary goals are to classify vegetation, landforms, soils and permafrost in the project area, to identify locations of rare plants and uncommon plant communities, and to co...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
The vegetation component of the 2002 baseline studies will focus on completion of the vegetation typing surveys. Initially, a reconnaissance flight will be required over Sahtu Private Lands along the study corridor. This flight will be used to identify...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Steve M Licensed Year(s):20022001
This study will gather baseline information on wildlife and vegetation to help fulfill step 5 of the protected areas strategy process. Two people (Steve Moore and one guide from Deline) will travel by boat from Deline to Edacho Peninsula and spend six days collecting baseline information on wildlife and ecosystem units. Thirty-six sites will be assessed and classified to ecosystem type. For eac...