Preliminary Reconnaissance of Wildlife and Vegetation of the Proposed Sahyoue/Edacho National Historic Park, Edacho Portion, Great Bear Lake, NT.
Principal Investigator: Moore, Steve M (6)
Licence Number: 13137
Organization: Rescan Environmental Services Ltd.
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001 2000
Issued: Jun 16, 2000
Project Team: resident of Deline (guide)

Objective(s): This study will gather baseline information on wildlife and vegetation to help fulfill step 5 of the protected areas strategy process. The objective of this research is then to document terrestrial wildlife in the study area (Edacho Peninsula, Great Bear

Project Description: This study will gather baseline information on wildlife and vegetation to help fulfill step 5 of the protected areas strategy process. Two people (Steve Moore and one guide from Deline) will travel by boat from Deline to Edacho Peninsula and spend six days collecting baseline information on wildlife and ecosystem units. Thirty-six sites will be assessed and classified to ecosystem type. For each site, vegetation and wildlife observations will be documented. For vegetation, species present, plant community type, percent cover (estimate), soil texture, elevation will be documented. For wildlife, the presence or absence of different species of wildlife (based on actual observation or inferred from tracks, droppings, hair, den) will be documented for each ecosystem unit. Fish species will be sampled along the shoreline and tributaries using a rod and reel and a minnow trap. All mammal and bird species or their sign will be recorded, with emphasis on caribou, grizzly bears, wolverines, wolves, foxes, breeding birds, raptors and waterfowl. In addition to these animals, main vegetation types as determined from air photo-interpretation will be ground truthed. Fish species classified, as 'sport fish' will be angled for under a valid fishing license. Captured sport fish will be identified and released, except for the few to be consumed in camp. Forage fish species (minnows) will be trapped using a minnow trap and up to 5 voucher specimens will be collected and preserved for each species. More information on the wildlife and fisheries component of this study can be obtained through the researcher's Wildlife licence (RWED) and Fisheries and Oceans permit (DFO).