Principal Investigator:Rempel, Laura L Licensed Year(s):
2005 Summary:
The aim of this study is to characterize sediment transport processes, including bed scour and fine sediment deposition, in a sub-arctic stream intersected by the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline. The specific objectives of the study are: characterization of surface and sub-surface bed sediment texture for all habitat types; measurement of bed scour depth and transport distance of sediment due to ...
Principal Investigator:Coulombe-Pontbriand, Moise Licensed Year(s):
The study will attempt to reconstruct the past 10,000 year geomorphological and hydrological history of the Mackenzie River using sedimentological records of fluvial deposits. The researcher will travel by Zodiac boat from Jean-Marie River to Point Separ...
Principal Investigator:Stutz, Craig Licensed Year(s):
To conduct an aerial survey of raptor nesting sites in conjunction with proposed dredging activities on the Mackenzie River....