Sediment Transport Processes In A Sub-Arctic Stream

Regions: Sahtu Settlement Area

Tags: physical sciences, sedimentology, sediment quality, sediment transport

Principal Investigator: Rempel, Laura L (2)
Licence Number: 13909
Organization: Fisheries & Oceans Canada
Licensed Year(s): 2006 2005
Issued: Aug 22, 2005
Project Team: Jasmin Canton (Field Assistant, DFO), Unknown at this time (Wildlife Monitor, Sahtu RRB)

Project Description: This project will characterize sediment transport processes, including bed scour and fine sediment deposition, in a sub-arctic stream intersected by the proposed Mackenzie Gas Pipeline. The study will meet five objectives: to characterize bed sediment texture; determine bed and suspended sediment transport rates during spring flooding; measure depth of bed scour during spring flooding; measure near-bed suspended sediment concentrations during flooding; map fine sediment deposition patterns on the stream bed. One gravel-bed stream near Norman Wells will be chosen for a detailed study of sediment transport processes. No biological sampling will take place. The site will be accessed by helicopter and a temporary camp (3 people total) will be established for the duration of field work. The project has 3 phases: 1) The site will be layed out (seeding tracer stones in the streambed, installing scour chains and fine sediment traps, bed sediment sampling) establishing benchmarks and cross-sections for repeat surveys, and bank stability mapping; 2) Collecting samples along with hydrometric measurements; 3) Retrieve equipment, conduct follow-up surveys and sampling, and bank stability mapping. All field methods follow standard sampling protocols and will not disturb fish habitat. Results of the study will be communicated through project reports and possible community visits. A local wildlife monitor will be hired for field assistance during the project. The study will be conducted Chick Creek, Oscar Creek, Canyon Creek, and Helava Creek near Norman Wells