Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
Primary access to the field is the winter road that extends north of Wrigley to Fort Good Hope and the C.N.T. Trail, north of Fort Good Hope. A temporary rig camp will be established near the Town of Fort Good Hope. The camp will be able to accommodate up to 60 people. Secondary access to the investigation sites and potential water sources will follow existing cutlines, rights-of-way, and trails w...
Principal Investigator:Hawkins, Jim R. Licensed Year(s):
Primary access to the field is the winter road that extends north of Wrigley to Fort Good Hope. Two temporary rig camps will be set up, one near the Hamlet of Tulita and the other near the intersection of the existing winter road and Little Smith Creek. Each camp will be able to accommodate up to 60 people. Secondary access to the investigation sites and potential water sources will follow existi...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
2002 Summary:
These terrestrial studies will include vegetation and soils investigations. The primary goals are to classify vegetation, landforms, soils and permafrost in the project area, to identify locations of rare plants and uncommon plant communities, and to co...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2004
Surveys of selected streams and lakes along the proposed pipeline corridor within the Sahtu Settlement Area will be conducted this winter. This will be done to assess overwintering conditions for fish and watercourse freezing conditions in the vicinity...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
Route and site selection flights will be used to: (1) determine the location for a potential natural gas pipeline route and associated developments through the Sahtu Settlement Area; (2) visually inspect and confirm land forms and geotechnical features; (3) identify land features that may be important to the location or construction of a potential gas pipeline; and (4) determine the locations fo...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):200520042003
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on watercourse crossings located within the tentative pipeline corridor in the Sahtu Settlement Area. Surveys of fish and fish habitat will be made at 62 permanently flowing watercourses, as well as 15 intermittent streams. These studies will include hydrology and water quality work as well. All of the aquatic ...