Principal Investigator:Fischer, Beth J Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The goal is to examine sedimentary rocks in the area of interest in order to develop an understanding of the geological processes that formed the area. The research team hope to acquire a better understanding of the events hundreds of millions of years ago that laid down the sediments, lithified them, uplifted and deformed them. Of particular interest are the processes of sedimentation across the ...
Principal Investigator:Turner, Elizabeth C Licensed Year(s):
20182017 Summary:
This continuing research addresses the history of Earth-surface environments between about 1 billion and 700 million years ago. The objective for 2019 is to obtain field measurements and samples.
A base-camp of two people will be deployed by helicopter, and all work done on foot. Working on mountainside rock exposures, the research team will collect fist-sized samples for later geochemical anal...
Principal Investigator:Schutt, Derek L Licensed Year(s):
2018201720162015 Summary:
The Mackenzie Mountains EarthScope project (MMEP) is funded under the EarthScope program of the U.S. National Science Foundation. This project is collaborating with the larger EarthScope USArray project, which will be studying seismicity (earthquakes) and earth structure in the broader northwestern Canadian and Alaskan regions, and with Canadian researchers from several agencies including the Yuko...
Principal Investigator:Bakker, Karen Licensed Year(s):
2017 Summary:
The goal is to enhance effective, equitable Indigenous co-governance of water resources through pursuing five objectives:
1)Critically conceptualize the potential for reciprocal coordination of, and complementarity between, evolving common ("Western") and Indigenous water law and governance frameworks;
2)Develop innovative methods for co-researching Indigenous Water Governance, based on collabor...
Principal Investigator:Mamet, Steve D Licensed Year(s):
2017201620152014201220102009200820072006200520042003 Summary:
The objectives of this project are to determine: 1) the status of permafrost landforms; 2) long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No. 1 project, including oil spills and gravel pits; and, 3) Status of treeline.
Since 1990, automated microclimate stations powered by solar cells have been operated in the study area. One station is located at each of five permafrost landforms called pal...
Principal Investigator:Froese, Duane G Licensed Year(s):
2016 Summary:
The objective of this project is to investigate the architecture of Pleistocene deltas on the Mackenzie River tributaries, search evidence of high-magnitude discharge events, and collect samples for absolute dating.
The research team will investigate the stratigraphic description of sedimentary sections in the river banks cutting through the Pleistocene deltas. Collection of samples are for rad...
Principal Investigator:von Kuster, Jenica Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
The study is to continue to establish natural variations in the surface water conditions within the Exploration Licence (EL 494) area and monitor potential impact of oil and gas exploration activities.
Surface Water Quality Sample Collection:
Collect surface water samples once, during August 2017, from a reduced number of sampling locations targeted near areas where exploration activities have...
Principal Investigator:Chin, Krista Licensed Year(s):
2016201520142013 Summary:
Objective 1: Build a partnership between government, communities, regulators and researchers to develop a watershed-based cumulative impact study in areas of oil and gas exploration in the Sahtu region.
The Sahtu Renewable Resource Board (SRRB) can play an important coordinating role in bringing partners together and working with the communities to determine appropriate engagement in the projec...
Principal Investigator:Beveridge, Meghan Licensed Year(s):2018
2016201520142013 Summary:
The purpose of the project is to work in collaboration with Northwest Territories (NWT) communities to collect water quality data to answer community concerns and questions about the health of NWT waters, to enhance understanding of cumulative impacts and to contribute to decision making.
There are three associated objectives:
1) collect water quality data at locations throughout the NWT, to ...
Principal Investigator:Belland, Darlene Licensed Year(s):
20162015201420132012 Summary:
The objective of this project is to conduct ongoing monitoring and assessment programs, including areas in the Mackenzie River Special Management Zone (SMZ), for surface water.
Surface water samples will be collected from selected lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Selected water bodies in EL470 have already undergone bathymetric assessment and sampling.
ConocoPhillips will communicate, in ...