Principal Investigator:Smith, Sharon S Licensed Year(s):
Twelve sampling sites in the K'asho Got’ine District of the Sahtu Settlement Area have been selected for this project, with preferred locations chosen near existing winter roads and the C.N.T. trail for continuous site accessibility and to minimize disturbance to the environment. One or two boreholes up to 20 m in depth will be drilled at each site in order to capture local environmental variabili...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20052004
2002 Summary:
This project will involve several helicopter flights for the purposes of pipeline routing, site selection and geotechnical observation within the Sahtu Settlement Area.
During the flights, locations of important land features will be confirmed by Global...
Principal Investigator:Colpron, Maurice Licensed Year(s):
The project will be conducted from 10-12 tent fly-camps within the study area. Each camp will be set-out by helicopter (out of Norman Wells) and will be of a duration of approximately 5-7 days. Our work will consist of daily hikes from our camps, during which our observations of the rock types and mineral occurrences will be noted on 1:50,000-scale topographic maps and air photos. Data collectio...