5 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. Traditional Knowledge Study - Continuation
Principal Investigator: Heck, Darren M
Licensed Year(s): 2013 2012
Summary: The objectives of this project are: a) Inventory of historical and ecological resources in the area; b) past, present and future uses of the area by community residents; c) identification of potential impacts of use of the land use areas supporting access and maintenance (i.e. camps, trails, buffer areas and work areas); and d) provide follow-up mechanism for on-going communication of issues i...

Great Bear River Environmental and Traditional Knowledge Baseline Program
Principal Investigator: Lennie-Misgeld, Peter
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: The main objective of the program is to collect fisheries and environmental baseline information to better understand the environmental characteristics of the Great Bear River and to support potential future development of hydropower on the Great Bear River. The program is not being conducted to support a specific project as there are no hydropower projects planned for the Great Bear River at thi...

Documenting the Cultural Values of Ts'ude'hliline-Tuyetah
Principal Investigator: Geirholm, Sara M
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: Ducks Unlimited Canada and the Community of Fort Good Hope have been working together for the past five years to achieve protected area status for Ts'ude'hliline-Tuyetah, a 14,907 km² area bordered on the east by the Mackenzie River and on the west by the Gwich’in Settlement Area boundary. This area was first identified in the Sahtu Land Use Planning process and by the Sahtu Heritage Places and Si...

Leadership Capacity and Cultural Landscape Management
Principal Investigator: Grieve, Anne Jane
Licensed Year(s): 2002
Summary: This research has been developed in full collaboration with the Deline Land Corporation which is sponsoring the research. The purpose of this research is to explore how the Deline Land Corporation can build leadership capacity for the long-term managemen...

Dene Culture, Identity and the Land: A Family History Case Study
Principal Investigator: Preston, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 1996
Summary: Research will take place in the Town of Fort Good Hope during the summer of 1996. It will expand on research begun in 1995 and will be designed as a family history project. Semi-structured interviews will be employed as well as participation in and observations of community life....