Principal Investigator:Kershaw, G. Peter Licensed Year(s):20022001
1999199819971996199519941993 Summary:
The main objectives of this study are to: 1. determine the status of permafrost land forms in the study area, and 2. determine the long-term recovery after abandonment of the CANOL No.1 project. Access during the summer is via the Yukon along the Canol Road through Macmillan Pass. Base camp is owned by Old Squaw Lodge at Camp 222. Beyond the base camp mountain bikes and foot will be the means ...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Derald Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Smith and his two students are trying to find out the extent of a glacial lake that once stretched from the Redstone River to Fort Good Hope. They are collecting samples of ancient, buried plant material from river cutbanks to see how old these deposits are and to determine what kinds of plants once grew along the western shores of the lake long ago....