5 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Understanding changes in aquatic ecosystem health and water quality in the Fort Good Hope – Ramparts Area
Principal Investigator: Gurney, Kirsty E.
Licensed Year(s): 2019 2018 2017
Summary: The project aims to build community partnerships, identify field sites, and develop and implement sampling protocols for long term, community-based, monitoring of wetland ecosystems near Fort Good Hope. Whereas some wetlands in the study area have either already been, or are likely to be, impacted by a wide range of industrial activities, including development of oil and gas and associated inf...

Application of shallow geophysical investigations to understanding surficial geology, Mackenzie corridor and Colville Hills, NWT
Principal Investigator: Smith, Rod
Licensed Year(s): 2009
Summary: This licence was issued for the scientific research application No. 935. This study will test whether the shallow geophysics techniques of Ground Penetrating Radar and Ohm Mapper Resistivity Logging, in combination with seismic shothole drillers’ logs, can be used to resolve the nature and extent of the surficial geology cover and permafrost characteristics in two areas of recent seismic explor...

Oxidation Processes and the Preservation of Organic Biosignatures in a Permafrost Dominated Environment – A Martian Analogue in the Canadian Arctic
Principal Investigator: Osinski, Gordon
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This license has been issued for the scientific research application # 878. The objective of this research is to examine the “Golden Deposit” rock formation similar to that recently discovered on Mars. The NASA rover, called “Opportunity,” discovered sulfur-bearing minerals on Mars, suggesting past water, and maybe life. This research will help researchers understand how these water systems wo...

Soil Climates of the Mackenzie Valley
Principal Investigator: Tarnocai, Charles
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: Soil (at seven depths) and air temperature data are recorded by data loggers. These loggers are programmed to collect data every 3 hours on the hour. The sites are visited twice a year to reprogram the loggers. In addition, active layer depth and subsidence are also recorded during the fall visit. Researchers will collect this data in order to determine the effect of climate change on the envi...

Reconstruction of Holocene Environments
Principal Investigator: Begin, Christian
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Summary: The research team will investigate a few localities to determine the best sites to study eolian deposits (sand dunes) and features related to permafrost degradation. Samples of granular and organic deposits will be taken....