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2 record(s) found in the location "Sahtu Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Baseline mercury levels in predatory fish in the Sahtu Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Guthrie, Glen H
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2010
Summary: This study will provide current information about the health of some subsistence predatory fish in ten commonly used lakes by residents of the Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA). This investigation may help to identify alternative sources of fish from lakes not impacted to the degree as seen in Kelly Lake. A future, far more thorough study of mercury abundance and bio-magnification trends may also result...

The Continuation of a Community-led Fish Monitoring Study in Déline, NT
Principal Investigator: Macdonald, Colin R
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2010 2009
Summary: The objective of this study is to collect whitefish and lake trout in the Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake near Deline and analyze tissues for metals and radionuclides. The results of this study will supplement the results of a study conducted in 2009 which reported the concentrations of metals, radionuclides and organo-chlorine pesticides in a small number of trout and herring. Twenty whitefis...