The Continuation of a Community-led Fish Monitoring Study in Déline, NT

Regions: Sahtu Settlement Area

Tags: contaminants, biology, bioaccumulation, fish

Principal Investigator: Macdonald, Colin R (4)
Licence Number: 14824
Organization: Northern Environmental Consulting
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2010 2009
Issued: Nov 30, 2010

Objective(s): To collect whitefish and lake trout in the Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake near Deline and analyze tissues for metals and radionuclides.

Project Description: The objective of this study is to collect whitefish and lake trout in the Keith Arm of Great Bear Lake near Deline and analyze tissues for metals and radionuclides. The results of this study will supplement the results of a study conducted in 2009 which reported the concentrations of metals, radionuclides and organo-chlorine pesticides in a small number of trout and herring. Twenty whitefish and 10 lake trout will be collected by local fishers using standard gill nets offshore from Deline. The fish will be measured and weighted, sex and reproductive status assessed and muscle and liver collected for chemical analysis. Metals will be analyzed on individual tissues while radionuclides will be analyzed on pooled muscles samples. Organo-chlorines will be analyzed on individual muscle samples. Project will be conducted by the Deline Renewable Resource Council (DRRC). Local involvement includes a community coordinator for obtaining samples and making arrangements with local guides. Sample processing will be conducted in the community by trained individuals. A report will be submitted to the DRRC with the data and their relevance. The DRRC is conducting the study and will hold meetings with all interested parties prior to the study. If necessary, meetings will be held after the study to discuss the results. Communication by phone and e-mail was used to develop the study and coordinate the study. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from November 30, 2010 to December 31, 2010.