Principal Investigator:Olefeldt, David Licensed Year(s):
20192018 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4734.
The objective of this research is to identify impacts of climate change and permafrost thaw on pond methane emissions, and on water chemistry in streams that drain peatland-rich catchments. Impacts on methane emissions will be assessed.
Specific objectives are: 1) to characterize the trends and variability in magn...
Principal Investigator:Pacholski, Laura J Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4886.
The main objectives of the field work for 2021 will be to determine if the Ekati Diamond Mine is having an effect on the surrounding aquatic environment, wildlife, and air quality; and to provide baseline data for areas where mine development may occur in the future.
In winter, water samples will be collected unde...
Principal Investigator:Walmsley, Caroline Licensed Year(s):
2019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4710.
The objective is to conduct monitoring to ensure that the project is overall compliant with the environmental permit and approval conditions and requirements.
Water monitoring at water crossing locations will be required for any in-water construction and where there is potential for entrainment of sediments. This i...
Principal Investigator:Gray, Derek K Licensed Year(s):
2019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4640.
The research team is planning to establish a long-term monitoring program in Frame Lake to monitor water quality, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates.
Water quality probes will be set up at a central monitoring point on the lake. A buoy will be anchored to the lake bottom and the probes will be attached to the bu...
Principal Investigator:Jamieson, Rob Licensed Year(s):
2019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4623.
The overall objective of this study is improved understanding of heavy metals in Sewage Disposal Facilities (SDFs) and Solid Waste Disposal Facilities (SWDFs) in the NWT. The proposed study aims to answer the following questions: 1) What is the existing treatment capacity of SDFs in NWT for heavy metals?; 2) Are SDFs ...
Principal Investigator:Irving, Elaine Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4574.
The objective is to sample benthic invertebrates in Jackfish Bay (exposure area) and Kam Bay (reference area), to confirm benthic results from 2018 and determine if treated Con Mine effluent is affecting the benthic community in Jackfish Bay.
Benthic invertebrate samples will be collected at five stations in each ...
Principal Investigator:Pisaric, Michael FJ Licensed Year(s):
201820172016 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4564.
The objectives of this research are to examine the frequency and severity of past wildfire and drought (drought-like) conditions in the southern Northwest Territories. Specifically, the research team will examine the following questions: 1) how frequent and severe have fires been in the; 2) are fires becoming more fre...
Principal Investigator:Huot, Yannick Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this project is to evaluate and compare complex and abundant lake ecosystems. This will be addressed through answering these 4 core questions:
1. Where, by how much and why Canadian lakes have changed during the last centuries?
2. How do taxonomic, molecular and biochemical features of planktonic, benthic and microbial communities change with lake alteration and which ones can...
Principal Investigator:Chamberland, Joseph Licensed Year(s):
2018 Summary:
The results of this project will add information that will help northern communities, scientists and decision makers answer questions about water quality and changes to rivers and lakes within the NWT. The information generated from this project will provide both baseline and long term water indicator measures for the Slave River, Great Slave Lake (GSL), and the Mackenzie River, which are three of...
Principal Investigator:Campbell, Joseph W Licensed Year(s):
2017201620152014 Summary:
Follow-up on exploration activity associated with Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board land use permit MV2014C0005 on Terrax Minerals Inc. City of Yellowknife Gold Project. Work would include initial environmental baseline work, and expansion of research programs to establish sufficient study for possible future Environmental Impact Assessment of potential mine development if exploration activiti...