Principal Investigator:Prather, Colleen Licensed Year(s):2021
2019201820172016201520142012201120102009200820072006200520042002200120001999 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4635.
The objective of this research are to conduct environmental monitoring of wildlife, vegetation, air quality, hydrology, and aquatic effects in the Snap Lake study area. The research team will collect incidental observational data of wildlife near the Snap Lake Mine.
Through this project the research team will coll...
Principal Investigator:Weagle, Ken V Licensed Year(s):2005
The purpose of this fieldwork is for the collection of baseline data to support an anticipated application to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board. There are 5 main components of the program. 1) Air quality and climate; General air quality will be m...
Principal Investigator:MacDonald, Gord Licensed Year(s):
Activities at the Damoti Lake Project Site will be as follows; 1) Archaeology - short site visit with field survey, 2) Terrestrial work will emphasize vegetation types and their value as wildlife habitat. Specific surveys for signs of moose, furbearers, raptors and other species, 3) Aquatic studies will emphasize habitat values in both lake and stream locations. Water quality work, 4) Hydrology w...