4 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Tlicho Dene Foodways
Principal Investigator: Walsh, David
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: To examine Tlicho relationships with the environment, specifically with food-animals, through the lens of foodways - the beliefs, practices, rituals, and culture around food. The hypothesis is that an ethnographic study of foodways will reveal a dynamic social relationship with animals and other beings in the environment. This research will involve the Rae-Edzo Friendship Center and local harveste...

Seeking Common Ground: An Ethnographic Narrative of Professional Practices, and the Marginalization of Community Ways of Knowing
Principal Investigator: Martin, Jim L
Licensed Year(s): 2013
Summary: The focus of this inquiry is to study the epistemological problems of understanding emerging from unexamined assumptions and values that frame the belief systems of government professional practices, and indigenous ways of knowing in the Tlicho communities of the NWT. The inquiry asks the question, “How can differences in ways of knowing between northern Canadian communities, and government be...

Lands, Lakes and Livelihoods: women’s subsistence fishing in Paulatuk, NT
Principal Investigator: Todd, Zoe SC
Licensed Year(s): 2012 2011
Summary: The researcher will study how people fish in Paulatuk today, how people talk about fishing and how fishing was practiced and characterised in the past. The researcher’s intent is to gain insight into contemporary relationships between people and the environment and inform anthropological discourse on women’s harvesting activity in arctic Canada. This project involves anthropological fieldwork,...

Indigenous Women, Ways of Knowing and Aesthetic of Beadwork
Principal Investigator: Edge, Lois E.
Licensed Year(s): 2009 2008 2007
Summary: Objectives of this research include (a) share experience as Visiting Researcher to the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, to study a pair of moccasins made by the researcher’s grandmother, Mrs. Joanne Edge, at her home in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories in 1942 (completed); (b) facilitate a beading circle with urban Aboriginal women in Edmonton, Alberta to document the contribution of bea...