Principal Investigator:McCullum, John Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is for the communities most affected by the mining operation of Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. (DDMI) to be able to collect and apply traditional knowledge to assess southern caribou migration, water quality and the quality of Lac de Gras fish before, during, and after mining operations.
A Helicopter, float planes, and boats will be used to transport equipment and individ...
Principal Investigator:Posynick, James Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this study are to increase access to justice by increasing the availability of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to NWT residents and to assist communities in using existing ADR or developing socially/culturally and legally...
Principal Investigator:Wicks, Darren Licensed Year(s):
The objective of the research is to develop a Dene Games Educational Website for Chief Jimmy Bruneau School that can be used as an educational tool in the classroom. The website will be about the history, cultural significance, stories, old and new pict...
Principal Investigator:Saxon, Leslie A. Licensed Year(s):2005
2003 Summary:
This research on stories of Dogrib travel and language will result in a book/CD for Dogrib community members. Dogrib elders and others will be interviewed in the research process, and community language workers will be trained. The language research will...
Principal Investigator:Christensen, Julia B Licensed Year(s):
This graduate research focuses on the application of Traditional Knowledge in environmental impact assessment in the NWT, with a specific focus on the Mackenzie Valley, and will identify the ways in which this application is linked to political, social,...
Principal Investigator:Uren, Shane Licensed Year(s):
The Expansion Project proposes to supply power to the Snap Lake, Gahcho Kue, Diavik and EKATI mine sites by expanding the existing infrastructure at the facilities on the Taltson River at Twin Gorges and at Nonacho Lake. Studies characterizing baseline e...
Principal Investigator:Zalatan, Rebecca Licensed Year(s):2004
Caribou populations fluctuate over long time spans, however, long-term records of population cycles are scarce. The population dynamics of the Bathurst caribou herd across the Northwest Territories will be reconstructed using two proxy indicators of cli...
Principal Investigator:Moffitt, Pertice M Licensed Year(s):
This study will explore the health and health promotion practices of pregnant Tlicho (Dogrib) Dene women from Rae-Edzo. Ten to fifteen pregnant Tlicho (Dogrib) women volunteers will be approached by publicly displayed posters and through the Band Prenata...
Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
This project involves the documentation of existing sources of traditional knowledge previously recorded with Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation through the West Kitikmeot Slave Study Society. The main focus of this project will be on social and ecological health issues, indicators and monitoring. The community of Lutsel K'e and the researcher will work together according to the terms and conditions of ...
Principal Investigator:Fafard, Melanie Licensed Year(s):20032002
2000 Summary:
The purpose of the study is to examine the question of how the Gwich'in define heritage and how they wish to preserve and foster an appreciation of heritage in a way that reflects their own worldview. The fieldwork will include three different components; 1) a group meeting with Teetl'it Gwich'in elders; 2) individual interviews with Teetl'it Gwich'in individuals and; 3) the distribution of a writ...