Principal Investigator:Mloszewski, Aleksandra M Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
The recent discovery of new occurrences of Neoarchan (2.8 Ga to 2.6 Ga) banded iron formations (BIF) in the Northwest Western Territories have opened an exceptional opportunity to study ocean chemistry. In this regard, the research group has been engaged by the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office (NTGO) to undertake field and laboratory studies of Archean and Proterozoic Banded Iron Formation ...
Principal Investigator:Mitchell, Ross E. Licensed Year(s):
The goals of this research project are to:
1) Re-sample previously sampled strata that have yielded evidence for geographic shifts.
2) Sample previously unsampled strata in between previously sampled units in order to capture more continuous record of Slave province's geographic whereabouts.
3) Sample several parallel (or repeat) stratigraphic sections in order to demonstrate that we can ...
Principal Investigator:De Pascale, Greg P Licensed Year(s):
Sand, gravel and crushed stone are valuable geological resources, collectively known as aggregates. They are essential bed, foundation and building materials. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in a series of resource management problems, particularly for the oil industry and its contractors who rely on local granular deposits as building material. From an environmental pers...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):200620052004
This study is an investigation of massive ice in granular deposits in the Mackenzie Delta area and northeastern North Slave region. The presence of massive ice in aggregate deposits results in resource management problems, particularly for the oil indus...
Principal Investigator:Bleeker, Wouter Licensed Year(s):
199919981997199619951994 Summary:
The objective of this study is to improve the geological understanding of the Slave Geological Province in general and specific key areas in more detail (eg. areas northeast of Yellowknife known as the Sleepy Dragon Complex, the Acasta Gneiss Complex, the Courageous Lake area, etc.). Various rock types will be mapped and described and their role in the complex geological history of the Slave Prov...
Principal Investigator:Corcoran, Patricia Licensed Year(s):
Research involves mapping and sampling of rocks for geological study. Equipment and all crew members will be transported to and removed from base camps by float plane (twin or turbine otter). A zodiac with 10-20 hsp motors will be used to travel within the study area. Rock samples (5-15 lbs) will be collected, small and large-scale maps will be compiled. The study will provide information about...
Principal Investigator:Pehrsson, Sally J Licensed Year(s):
19951994 Summary:
This will be the final summer of work for this phase of mapping in Indin Lake. The mapping data (including structural, petrological, geochemical &geochronological) will enable a detailed geological history of the project area to be constructed. This will include timing of major events, including volcanism, plutonism and sedimentation, and subsequent deformation. The results will be presented in...
Principal Investigator:Perks, Matthew Licensed Year(s):1996
The researchers will achieve detailed mapping of granite- metasediment contacts by relying on detailed documentation of mineral asseblages, textures, metamorphic grade, and relative timing of the meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks in the MacNaughton Lake area. Isotope U-Pb studies of granite and metasediment minerals will be used to constrain the absolute timing of intrusion and metamorphism....
Principal Investigator:Bursey, Terry Lee Licensed Year(s):
The researcher and his team will study several well-exposed areas of sedimentary stata of Archean age within the Slave Province, Northwest Territories, in order to evaluate criteria for correlation and depositional environments....
Principal Investigator:King, Janet E. Licensed Year(s):
Mapping of bedrock and surfical geology will be conducted in numerous parts of the geologic Slave Province. Specific studies of the bedrock, such as its stratigraphy, the nature of the granitic rocks, how the rocks deformed and metamorphosed, and isotopic dating will provide insight on the geologic evolution of this part (Slave Province) of the Canadian Sheild....