Principal Investigator:Parlee, Brenda L Licensed Year(s):
This project involves the documentation of existing sources of traditional knowledge previously recorded with Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation through the West Kitikmeot Slave Study Society. The main focus of this project will be on social and ecological health issues, indicators and monitoring. The community of Lutsel K'e and the researcher will work together according to the terms and conditions of ...
Principal Investigator:Beddoes, Colin Licensed Year(s):
1999 Summary:
This study will assist Gameti First Nation in preparing a tourism action plan and an analysis of the opportunities and constraints that are faced in the implementation of ecocultural tourism. Transportation to and on site will be by air. Data collection will be carried out while working under the direction of a consultant. Data collection will involve non-structured interviews and may involve ...
Principal Investigator:Gerein, H.J. Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to draft, validate, and test a pilot instrument that results in an index of wellness or overall condition of each community in the Northwest Territories. This measurement and index of community condition are proposed as a new language to northern planning and policy setting. Using Canadian population and urban area performance levels and existing Government of the Nor...
Principal Investigator:Hornal, Robert Licensed Year(s):
1996 Summary:
Continuation of study started in 1996. Data on current conditions will be collected through literature review of government reports, through telephone conversations with community leaders and administrators and, when possible, visits to the communities....
Principal Investigator:Digel, Mark Licensed Year(s):
1995 Summary:
Methods of data collection will include water quality and bottom sampling in Lac de Gras and Lac du Sauvage; automatic and manual water level recordings; bathometric work; automatic weather stations and the monitoring of air-borne particles and visibility; continuation of baseline studies of soils and terrain, and vegetation; fish population, habitat, health, and spawning habits studies; baseline ...
Principal Investigator:Zallen, Morris Licensed Year(s):
To identify key biological resources (principally migratory birds and mammals) and aspects of human land use (communities and settlements, resource harvesting areas) within or adjacent to proposed flight corridors. Potential concerns related to the above will be addressed by assessing the degree of disturbance from noise & emissions from aircraft. This research includes gathering socio-economic ...
Principal Investigator:Dicks, Dennis Licensed Year(s):
Study of the social and economic impacts of the telecommunications services made available by Anik....