5 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Formative Evaluation Study of the BSN Program
Principal Investigator: Brennan, Jodi N
Licensed Year(s): 2011 2008
Summary: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the revised nursing curriculum being used as Aurora College as a partner within Collaboration for Academic Education in Nursing (CAEN). Students, faculty and clinical agencies will share their experiences of the curriculum. Data will be collected using Aurora College course and semester evaluation forms and faculty meetings. This data will be used to ...

Canadian Survey of Nurses' Assessment and Management of Pain in the Critically Ill
Principal Investigator: Rose, Louise
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The goal is to survey critical care nurses across Canada to obtain a comprehensive description of nurses’ current knowledge and practice of pain assessment and management in critically ill adults. The researchers hypothesize that considerable variation exists for pain assessment, documentation, and management as well as the education received regarding pain assessment and management priorities for...

Evaluating Concept Mapping as a Teaching Strategy to Promote Meaningful Learning in Clinical Practice with Baccalaureate Nursing Students
Principal Investigator: Brennan, Jodi N
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2005
Summary: The overall aim of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of concept mapping as a teaching/learning tool in clinical practice courses in years one, two and three of the nursing program. The objectives include the following: evaluate one concept map per student weekly during the clinical course, and obtain student and faculty input on utilizing concept mapping as a teaching tool. ...

Evaluating Student Nurses: An Institutional Ethnography
Principal Investigator: Rankin, Janet
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The activities to determine student mastery of tasks to meet established standards of professional competence have not been well described and are poorly understood. This research is intended to illuminate the activities that contribute to decisions about a student’s progress, to understand how professional beliefs and practices are embedded into evaluation efforts, and to explicate some of the te...

Identification of Content and Structure Requirements for a Nursing Diploma Program in the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories.
Principal Investigator: McClelland, Patricia
Licensed Year(s): 1993 1992
Summary: To plan for nursing education in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, it is important to know the knowledge and skills that nurses require in the north. This research has been designed to ask employers, nurses and community members to rate common curriculum items in a nursing program as to their importance, and to suggest items which they feel are important but which are excluded from most nursin...