4 record(s) found in the location "North Slave Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Structural and Geochemical Study of the Crestaurum Gold Deposit, Yellowknife Volcanic Belt, NWT.
Principal Investigator: Ootes, Luke
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The research team will be based out of Yellowknife. Travel to the Crestaurum Mine site will be by road; travel on site will be by foot. Detailed geological mapping will be carried out by gathering fist-sized samples of rock with a hammer, or rock saw. Both mineralized (ore-bearing) and un-mineralized samples will be collected. Samples will then be returned to the laboratory for further, detail...

Development in the Coppermine River basin and Cumulative Effects Monitoring
Principal Investigator: Whitney, Candace
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: The Coppermine River basin has significant mineral resources including diamonds as well as base and precious metals. In the early 1990s, the Slave Geological Province experienced a dramatic increase in mining activity when diamonds were discovered in the middle of the West Kitikmeot/Slave area at Lac de Gras. Northern ecological systems are particularly at risk to impacts of mining and other land...

Spring Melt Hydrological Investigations at Daring Lake, N.W.T.
Principal Investigator: English, Michael C
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002 2001 2000
Summary: Tthe objective of this study is to continue research examining the hydrological and energy budget of small arctic esker lake basin during the spring melt period. The intent of this research is to understand the relationship between the energy budget and changes in soil moisture, rates of evapotranspiration, and changes in water discharge from a small tundra basin underlain by permafrost. Transpo...

Exploration Geochemistry of Gold, Slave Province, NWT
Principal Investigator: Fletcher, W.K.
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The research will involve the collection of soil, lake sediments and waters. Soil and lake sediments will be sieved to give different size fractions (sand, silt, clay, etc.) and each fraction analyzed for gold to determine which size fraction is best to use in gold exploration....