Principal Investigator:Spratt, Jessica Licensed Year(s):
The overarching objective of the project is to understand the nature of the Paleoproterozoic western boundary of the Slave craton for both academic and economic reasons. Two people will fly out by float plane from Yellowknife and will join the camp previ...
Principal Investigator:Snyder, David B Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this ongoing study is to investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and mantle to depths of 0 - 300 km from sites in the Lac de Gras area. Methods are being sought to characterize diamond reservoirs in order to make d...
Principal Investigator:Snyder, David B Licensed Year(s):200720032000
The purpose of this study is to investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and upper portion of the earth's crust and upper mantle to depths greater than 200km from sites in the Lac de Gras area. Seismometers will be deployed within two existent mine camps for at least one year. These sensors will record distant earthquakes. Well established technology will be used and once dep...
Principal Investigator:Jones, Alan Licensed Year(s):1999
At approximately forty (40) locations along the 600-km-long winter road, sensors will be lowered through small holes drilled through the lake ice onto the lake bottom. These sensors will measure time variations of the Earth's natural electric field, and these variations will be recorded by devices on the lake shores. The recordings at each locations will take 1-3 weeks, after which all equipment...
Principal Investigator:Corcoran, Patricia Licensed Year(s):
Research involves mapping and sampling of rocks for geological study. Equipment and all crew members will be transported to and removed from base camps by float plane (twin or turbine otter). A zodiac with 10-20 hsp motors will be used to travel within the study area. Rock samples (5-15 lbs) will be collected, small and large-scale maps will be compiled. The study will provide information about...
Principal Investigator:Clowes, Ron M. Licensed Year(s):
This refraction seismic project is part of larger transect which extends from Yellowknife to Stewart on the west coast of BC. Part of the sequence of Earth & Ocean Science studies to provide an in-depth image of the deep structure of the Earth throughout the region and will help to define the sequence of emplacement of various types of rock formations in the region.
Pre-experiment: 1) Flag reco...
Principal Investigator:Eaton, David Licensed Year(s):1999
Since the region of investigation (down to a depth of 50 km or more) is inaccessible, geophysical techniques will be used. One technique will be seismic reflection profiling, a method adapted from the oil industry. Large vehicles are use to generate seismic waves, which travel downwards and reflect off boundaries. These echoes are recorded by surface instruments, and the data are processed to p...