Teleseismic Studies in the Central Slave Craton

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: tectonic movement, diamond exploration, mineral exploration

Principal Investigator: Snyder, David B (11)
Licence Number: 13626
Organization: Natural Resources Canada
Licensed Year(s): 2004
Issued: May 20, 2004
Project Team: Isa Asudeh

Objective(s): The objective of this ongoing study is to investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and mantle to depths of 0 - 300 km from sites in the Lac de Gras area. Methods are being sought to characterize diamond reservoirs in order to make diamond exploration more efficient and low impact. This research will lead to improved mineral exploration strategies, improved estimates of damaging large earthquakes, and a superior framework for handling Canada's natural resource potential over the next decade. Recordings of the arrival of earthquake waves provide the highest resolution and lowest impact way of imaging structures deep in the Earth.