Principal Investigator:Yurris, Christopher Keith Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4795.
The main goal for this research project is to determine whether the newly introduced midterm review in the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly has been an effective mechanism for governmental accountability which has thus been reflective in subsequent elections.
This research will contribute to good governa...
Principal Investigator:Turcotte, Andre Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to understand why young people do not feel represented, and learn how to connect and engage young people in politics. Simply put, the research team would want to listen to young people tell how to make politics more meaningful for them.
Testing two discussion guides across Canada (e.g., less engaged in rural communities, or less engaged in high crime neighborhood...
Principal Investigator:Sabin, Jerald Licensed Year(s):
The goal of this work is to produce two journal articles: (1) an analytical survey of Yellowknife’s developing social economy from 1934 to 1955, with particular emphasis on its relationship to local and regional government; (2) an examination of the evolving relationship between social economy actors and federal/territorial state institutions and their employees in Yellowknife from 1955 to the pre...
Principal Investigator:Bassi Kellett, Sheila E Licensed Year(s):
This project will focus on the question: “What research strategies can the Government of the Northwest Territories undertake, in partnership with community governments and their representative organizations, that would most effectively support the enhancement of local government administrators’ leadership competencies and capacities within the Northwest Territories?” Key partners in this are the G...
Principal Investigator:Kikkert, Peter J Licensed Year(s):
This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No.1044.
This project will examine Northerners’ perspectives on how the Arctic Council might be enhanced to better serve circumpolar stakeholders in the twenty-first century, and how Northerners can be better engaged in priority-and agenda-setting on the domestic level.
The researcher plans to conduct first-person int...
Principal Investigator:Dunbar, Stephen J Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to survey current MLAs to determine their satisfaction with the current system, compare it to a similar survey conducted 20 years ago, and measure how attitudes have changed. As MLAs are the only people capable of changing the system, understanding their perspectives is vital. Whether there is appetite for change, either by introducing the party system or by having ...
Principal Investigator:Graben, Sari Licensed Year(s):
It is the investigator’s hope that this research will lead to an improved understanding of co-management decision-making as a process which is distinct in the law. It is hoped that this research will contribute to a richer understanding of administrative law that will better support the goals of co-management.
The objective of this research is to examine resource decision-making processes asso...
Principal Investigator:Letwin, Mona Licensed Year(s):
The Legislative Assembly of the NWT operates in the absence of political parties. Since NWT MLA's are not governed by strict party politics, the relationships between interest groups and the Legislative Assembly may be different from southern institutions. I will conduct informal interviews with representatives of various health care interest groups since these groups may influence policy develo...
Principal Investigator:Standefer, Roma Licensed Year(s):1994
The researcher will examine the impact of television on the community of Lutsel K'e. Information will be collected through the use of interviews with selected people, including elders, adults and youth. Discussions will also be held with school teachers, social and health workers, band council members and the RCMP. The research is being done in order to assess ways in which the CRTC can provide...
Principal Investigator:Cant, Garth Licensed Year(s):
The researcher is collecting published reports, legislation, newsletters, management plans, books and journal articles on the Nunavut and James Bay and Northern Quebec land claims in order to compare these land claims with the Nisga'a land claim. This study will also provide New Zealanders with an overview of the initiatives taken by claimants and the Crown in Canada. Informal discussions will a...