Pressure group politics, health care policy and the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories

Regions: North Slave Region

Tags: health, social sciences, health care, policy development, politics

Principal Investigator: Letwin, Mona (1)
Licence Number: 12545
Organization: University of Calgary
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Issued: Jan 01, 1993
Project Team: self

Objective(s): To investigate and research the operations of interest groups in the health care field and their tactics in influencing policy; to assess the role of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories and interest group activity.

Project Description: The Legislative Assembly of the NWT operates in the absence of political parties. Since NWT MLA's are not governed by strict party politics, the relationships between interest groups and the Legislative Assembly may be different from southern institutions. I will conduct informal interviews with representatives of various health care interest groups since these groups may influence policy development through lobbying of the Legislative Assembly.