Principal Investigator:Reimink, Jesse R Licensed Year(s):
201320122011 Summary:
The present study aims to obtain information with the following objectives: 1) further describe, sample, and document field relationships and structures present in areas that were sampled and found to be significantly old (>3.8 billion years); 2) explore and sample other units which based on field relationships and mineralogy are likely to be as old or older than previously documented samples; and...
Principal Investigator:Patterson, R. Tim Licensed Year(s):
20112010 Summary:
Through analysis of sediment/water interface samples, freeze cores, and dendrochronology the researchers intend to:
i) develop a comprehensive climatic history along a 2° latitudinal gradient in the central NT, variously based on an analysis of freeze cores from lakes along the route of the Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road (TCWR);
ii) determine the relationship between modern lake catchments an...
Principal Investigator:Duthie, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
20112010 Summary:
The objective of the proposed studies to be conducted at Courageous Lake is to collect baseline data to characterize the environmental (physical and biological) setting in the proposed project area. Specifically, data will be collected to characterize the following environmental components: meteorology, wind resources, air quality, noise, hydrology, bathymetry, hydrogeology, aquatic resources, fis...
Principal Investigator:Snyder, David B Licensed Year(s):2013
201120102009 Summary:
This ongoing study will investigate the structure and composition of the Earth's crust and mantle to depths of 0-300 kilometres. The research team seeks better methods to characterize diamond reservoirs in order to make exploration more efficient and low impact.
Teleseismic observatories are sited in remote locations in either linear or rectangular arrays where they record distant earthquakes ...
Principal Investigator:Challen Urbanic, Jane Licensed Year(s):
201120102009 Summary:
The objective of this research is to assess the performance of lagoons and wetlands in the treatment of municipal wastewater in Canada's Arctic. A secondary objective is to determine the occurrence of trace contaminants in northern wastewaters.
Samples will be taken from the influent (raw sewage) and effluent (treated wastewater) of each wastewater system identified earlier in the application. ...
Principal Investigator:Hood, Alexandra E Licensed Year(s):20212020201920182017201620152014
201120102009200820072006200520042002200120001999 Summary:
The objective of the environmental monitoring program is to fulfill the requirements outlined under the Snap Lake Mine's Land Use Permit, Water License, Environmental Agreement, and Fisheries Authorization, and to meet De Beers’ corporate commitments on the environment.
The environmental monitoring program will cover an assessment of aquatics (benthic invertebrates, fish, water quality, plankto...
Principal Investigator:Trimble, Annika EV Licensed Year(s):
20112010 Summary:
The objective of this wind monitoring project is to quantify Wekweeti’s wind energy resources. The Aurora Research Institute recently completed a desktop study concerning wind energy in Wekweeti. Computer modelling and analysis of data from nearby weather stations indicates that the wind speeds in the community may be strong enough to support the use of wind energy in Wekweeti at the proposed proj...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
2010200920082007200620052004 Summary:
This research project has two primary scientific goals which include:
1) Relating ground truthed snowpack data to passive microwave data obtained from satellites through the winter months. This will assist in formulating a empirical relationship between the two datasets which is necessary to improve satellite monitoring of snow water equivalent.
2) Determining the relative importance of snowmel...
Principal Investigator:Blowes, David W. Licensed Year(s):20142013
20112010200920082005 Summary:
This research study is designed to investigate the processes related to water quality and quantity (collected at different scales) draining from country rock stockpiles that are located in areas of continuous permafrost. The quality of water draining from a country rock stockpile is determined by the combined effects of oxygen transport in the air phase, biogeochemical processes that control miner...
Principal Investigator:Aubet, Natalie Licensed Year(s):
2010 Summary:
The researcher intends to better resolve the climatic and oceanic chemical conditions that ultimately led to the origins of animal life and the so-called ‘Cambrian explosion’ by focusing on the exceptionally well-preserved ancient banded iron formations from the Rapitan Group (NWT, Canada) and the overlying carbonate units. Specifically, detailed chemical and isotopic analyses of these...