Principal Investigator:Baltzer, Jennifer L Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
The objective is to improve the empirical foundations for predictive caribou habitat mapping within the forested areas of the Taiga Plains and Taiga Shield Ecoregions in the Northwest Territories, roughly south of Great Bear Lake. The research team will establish a network of long-term study plots across a range of fire characteristics and vegetation types, where the team will measure the rate and...
Principal Investigator:Trimble, Annika EV Licensed Year(s):
20162015 Summary:
The objective of this wind monitoring proposal is to measure the wind energy potential at CN Hill (approximately 130 km from Yellowknife) for two years. This is part of an alternative energy study for the Yellowknife area. Wind data will be collected using instruments that measure wind speed, direction, and temperature. At CN Hill, the sensors will be installed on an existing Northwestel Tower. Tw...
Principal Investigator:Lewkowicz, Antoni G Licensed Year(s):2018
2016 Summary:
The goal of this project is to look at how permafrost is changing following forest fire over a range of environmental conditions, with the purpose of improving how change is modeled in the future. The fires of 2014 in the southwestern Northwest Territories (NWT) provide an opportunity to examine how discontinuous permafrost responds to disturbances. This work is being carried out in collaboration ...
Principal Investigator:Doucet, Michael Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
The primary objective of this research program is to determine the environmental and physical conditions of nine sites in the Gordon Lake region.
This research will include the identification and quantification of environmental impacts in soil, sediment, surface water and groundwater. Samples of biota (e.g. Hyalella) may be collected at certain sites during the field program. The potential for...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
The objectives are to work with local residents of Wekweeti to understand how changes in the annual snowpack may impact caribou. The idea is that with increased incursions of warm southern air into the subarctic during winter that snow crusts and ice lenses may be created in the snowpack and as a result increase the energy expenditures of the caribou when foraging for food at the base of the snowp...
Principal Investigator:Galloway, Jennifer Licensed Year(s):
This project will focus on providing baseline information for areas of high resource potential. In areas of past land use and soon to be developed areas in the Slave Geological Province, the project will generate new spatial and temporal data on changing geochemical, permafrost, ecological and climate data for the past 1000 years. This data will be integrated with Traditional Ecological Knowledge ...
Principal Investigator:Belosevic, Mike Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
This study is designed to encompass the following goals: 1) Collect samples from the expanded Acasta Gneiss Complex (AGC) study area; 2) Perform field mapping and general exploration of the expanded study area; 3) Perform age dating and isotopic analysis of the collected samples along with whole-rock geochemistry to compare data with those in the extensively studied AGC body adjacent to the Acasta...
Principal Investigator:Thirunavukarasu, Asok Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research is to identify current state of housing in Yellowknife. This field research should give insights on window-wall ratio, window type, typical R-values, typical construction assemblies, mechanical systems used and delivery process for housing. This will help benchmark the current energy and future performance of housing in the region. As well, the objective of this fiel...
Principal Investigator:English, Michael C Licensed Year(s):
This research focusses upon dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantity and quality from a suite of hydrological environments underlain by discontinuous permafrost. The research looks to better understand how water quality will be influenced by a warming climate, with specific attention to DOC, by analysing historical water quality data (30 years) from three local rivers (Yellowknife, Cameron, and Mar...
Principal Investigator:Blais, Jules M Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are:
1) to determine the impact of shoreline expansion and forest/peat submergence from thawing permafrost on contaminant and carbon fluxes to lakes in the Yellowknife region;
2) to develop novel approaches to track terrestrial organic matter sources in lakes, in order to assess how climate warming and permafrost thaw are affecting the delivery of terrestr...