Principal Investigator:Wytrychowski, Scott I Licensed Year(s):2004
This study will assess the effects of blasting activity associated with proposed mining activities at the Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. Lac de Gras mine site, for which explosives would be used as the primary method of excavating rock. The resulting explosi...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Peter Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to collect detailed baseline information on several seasonal streams and ponds on BHP Billiton's Ekati Claim Block, confirm the presence or absence of various fish species in the proposed areas, and determine their value as...
Principal Investigator:Palmer, Rick Licensed Year(s):
The research team will be based in Yellowknife, and transported to Prelude Lake by truck. Transport on the lake will be by 20' Alaskan boat equipped with a 55 hp motor (supplied by the North Slave Metis Alliance). Baseline information will be collected on the composition of a number of target species: Lake Trout, White Fish, Cisco, Burbot, Northern Pike and forage species. Both 30 m beach seine...
Principal Investigator:Thomas, Craig J Licensed Year(s):
This is a preliminary fisheries study to confirm 1989 baseline studies and to assist in impact assessment for Abandonment and Restoration (A & R) Plan for site closure. The researchers will conduct habitat assessments along drainages of Steeves Lake and Indin River (i.e. fish habitat mapping, assessment of habitat potential, 'spot check' confirmation of fish communities, the collection of instant...
Principal Investigator:Grabke, Dan Licensed Year(s):
In 1999, the Northwest Territories Power Corporation was awarded a 25 year water licence to operate its three hydroelectric plants on the Snare River. Conditions of this water licence included that two studies be done by the Corporation. The first study is an assessment addressing the removal of minimum flow requirements on two of the dams. This study will include a current assessment of fish a...
Principal Investigator:Thomas, Craig J Licensed Year(s):
This study is to identify existing habitat characteristics of the potential and existing stream and pond crossings of the Highway #3 reconstruction project. Field studies will involve the identification of fish habitat characteristics, the potential identification of present fish species in those systems that suggest fish habitat is present by using seine netting techniques. Background data search...
Principal Investigator:Bryant, Wayne Licensed Year(s):
The Gazelle environmental baseline study will include specific investigations on water/sediment quality, lake bathymetry, limnology, catchment hydrology, fisheries and fish habitat assessment. Field data collection and observations will take about two to three days. Field staff of 3 will be transported by air to Ekati from Yellowknife. From Ekati, helicopter transport will be used to drop off the...
Principal Investigator:Brodie, Chris Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of the study is to carry out a small fish inventory of Snap Lake, located North East of Yellowknife and south of MacKay Lake. Gill nets will be set in the lake over 3 nights. A backpack electrofisher will be used at the lake margins and tributaries. Transportation to and from the site will be by float plane from Yellowknife. Sample size and species are the objectives of the study, and ...
Principal Investigator:Morantz, David Licensed Year(s):
The techniques to be used for the assessment of the fisheries in the Lac de Gras area will include small-mesh (1.5 inch) gillnetting, trapnetting (mark-recapture program), minnow-trapping and electroshocking (backpack model for stream surveys). Most fish will be live-released. A select number of fish will be retained (killed), for aging verification (using otoliths), tissue metals concentration ...