345 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Information Seeking Processes of Junior High Students: A Case Study of CD-ROM Encyclopedia Use.
Principal Investigator: Branch, Jennifer
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The researcher will meet with community members, parents, students, teachers and school administrators to learn about the information seeking processes of junior high students. The equipment used on site will include a computer with CD-ROM capabilities, audio cassette recorder and video cassette recorder. The methods of data collection will include interviews, observations and verbal protocol anal...

Implementation of Legal Obligations Under the Inuvialuit Final Agreement.
Principal Investigator: Thompson, Reg
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The objective of this study is to ascertain the extent to which the legal obligations persuant to the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) are being implemented. Meetings will be conducted with individuals involved in the implementation and workings of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement in order to discuss the progress of the implementation of the legal obligations persuant to the IFA. Participants will ...

Innuktitut Verbs
Principal Investigator: Jones, Alana
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: Alana Johns and Carrie Gillon will visit Inuvik for approximately three weeks in June 1999. During this time they will employ a number of speakers of the Siglit and Ummarmiut dialects of Inuktitut for brief one hour sessions. These sessions will either be 1) story collecting where the main purpose is to collect language data, not the content of the story itself. For this reason any story which the...

An investigation of tourist motivations for traveling to Arctic Canada
Principal Investigator: Chappell, Hayley
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The overall goal of the project is to examine the various factors which motivate tourists to select locations Canadian Arctic, such as Inuvik, as a travel destination. The researcher will be interviewing tourists traveling to Inuvik. A questionnaire form and/or a personal interview will be used to ask questions about their visit to the Northwest Territories. All participants will have the objectiv...

Tobacco Use by Youth in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Tremblay, Rick
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: A similar questionnaire given in 1982, 1987 and 1993 will be used for this tobacco use survey for 1998/99. The information obtained from the data will provide a snap shot of tobacco use by students between grades 4 and 12 for 1998/99. The data will be compared with previous studies to see if there was a change in the smoking habits of students. The data collected will help the Health Promotion s...

Aboriginal Concepts of Power and Empowerment Models of Wellness
Principal Investigator: Hewitt, Cecily
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The objective is to develop a description of how 4 Inuvialuit women think of and experience power, powerlessness, control and empowerment in their lives as a result of their culture. Four Inuvialuit women will be invited to participate in a series of four interviews with the researcher during which they will be asked to reflect on and describe their experiences, meanings, stories and thoughts rega...

Constraints to Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration in the Development of a Sustainable Tourism Industry
Principal Investigator: Pisani, Shane
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: My research collection will be comprised of both interviews for key stakeholders and surveys amongst all stakeholders in the tourism industry. I am anticipating beginning interviews and surveys in early August and completing the research by mid-September 1998. The interviews and surveys will involve government agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGO's)- no individual names will be used. T...

Inuvialuit and Gwich'in Traditional Governance Research Project
Principal Investigator: Irlbacher-Fox, Stephanie
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: This project will involve researching Inuvialuit and Gwich'in traditional governance and how this can be used in shaping self government institutions. To do this research the self government office plans to: 1) hire community development workers in each community, 2) train community development workers in the skills they need to do the research and work on other areas of self government, 3) worker...

Self-Empowered Community Teams
Principal Investigator: Scott, Ray
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: The research project will be carried out in four phases. Phase I will be a review of current literature regarding indicators of successful teams, stages of development in SECT and means by which organizations can support SECTs. Phase II will be to devise a questionnaire for participants to complete. The questionnaire will be given to groups of people and will rate present quality of work life. The...

The Role of the Adult Educator in a cross-cultural Context: Adult Education in the NWT Context: Aurora Campus, Inuvik, Adult Basic Education
Principal Investigator: Sharkey, Irene
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Summary: I will mainly reflect on any experiences and review secondary sources. I will collect data through an exploration of my own practice as an educator and through an investigation of significant themes previously identified in the literature studied in the area of cross-cultural and adult education. The following themes will be considered farther for their relevance in organizing the investigation: D...