Principal Investigator:Aiken, Susan Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will test some very standard agriculture seeds that have been developed in Alberta to determine whether they will grow in test plots in Iqaluit and Lake Harbour. She will also identify areas across the NWT which may be suitable as long term climatic change monitoring sites....
Principal Investigator:Sandstrom, Steve Licensed Year(s):
The Fieldwork will involve removing fish from selected pools by a number of methods including electroshocking, seine and angling. They will be anaesthetized, weighed, measured and tagged. The researcher estimates that no more than 5% of the total catch will be dead sampled....
Principal Investigator:Yazdanmehr, Susan Licensed Year(s):
A survey of teachers, education administrators, community health and social service personnel, selected personnel in the Territorial departments of Education, Health and Social Services will be conducted. The information is to be used to develop further implementation strategies for comprehensive school health in the N.W.T....
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will carry out a needs assessment. Interviews will be conducted with 30 employers, organizations and trades women. A small sample of men working in trades will also be interviewed....
Principal Investigator:Liepa, Ingrid Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will undertake a literature review of interorganizational relations and policy making, public administration and environmental assessment. Individuals in the public service will be interviewed to gather working perspectives on the opportunities for and constraints to various coordinating strategies....
Principal Investigator:Schur, Barbara Licensed Year(s):
Ms. Schur will conduct a two and a half day workshop and will collect information from the adult educators using interviews, observations and analysis of participant's journals....
Principal Investigator:Luckman, B.H. Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Luckman and one assistant will look for potential sites for the Geological Survey of Canada to study global change. They will also obtain recent tree-ring chronologies from treeline sites in the Mackenzie Delta....
Principal Investigator:Tomalik, Helen Licensed Year(s):
Ms. Tomalik a student at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, supervised by the Inuvik Regional Nutritionist will conduct surveys in four communities. She will collect information on food prices and food intake. The information will be used in conjunction with the Department of Social Services in calculating the Food Allowance Scale....
Principal Investigator:Kary, Alan Licensed Year(s):
Mr. Kary will conduct interviews with aboriginal leaders and the Government of the Northwest Territories in order to gather information regarding attitudes toward petroleum resource development....
Principal Investigator:Fogwill, Lynn Licensed Year(s):
Ms. Lynn Fogwill conducted interviews with women in the seven communities, as well as consulted with GNWT Department of Economic Development representatives, crafts co-ops, crafts societies, aborginal women's associations and the NWT Advisory Council on the Status of Women to analyse arts and crafts activities as they affect women. They were asked about their current situation, their problems,and...