2 record(s) found in the location "Inuvialuit Settlement Region" (multi-year projects are grouped): Not seeing the results you want? Tryadvanced search.
Principal Investigator:Burn, Chris R Licensed Year(s):20222021
2019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4737.
The objective of this research is to understand the rate of ground warming in permafrost due to climate change and to measure the changes in ground surface characteristics that are occurring as a result. In particular, the research team are interested in changes in ground temperature, in the depth of the active layer,...
Principal Investigator:Mackay, J.R. Licensed Year(s):199719961995
1993199219911989 Summary:
This permafrost study has been part of a long-term study initiated in 1951. The researcher will collect data that will allow a better understanding of the growth of ice wedges, pingos and permafrost....