Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in the Dehcho Region in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, c...
Principal Investigator:Laird, Brian D Licensed Year(s):2018
The overall objective of this research is to promote country foods in a way that balances contaminant risks and nutrient benefits in order to maximize nutrient status while minimizing mercury exposure. The research team will work towards this objective through the implementation of research that will consist of the biomonitoring study to evaluate country food usage patterns, contaminant exposure p...
Principal Investigator:LeRoy-Gauthier, Hilary Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of this research is to share emerging leaders' stories of leadership in the North in a way that adds to our understanding, relationships, partnerships, and leadership development activities in the North. The researcher also endeavors to bring some benefit to the participants (and perhaps even to future emerging leaders), by providing an opportunity not only to be heard and seen ...
Principal Investigator:Lys, Candice L Licensed Year(s):
201520142013 Summary:
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the F.O.X.Y. (Fostering Open eXpression among Youth) participatory action research project for empowering young NWT women and facilitating dialogue about sexual health issues in the North.
The F.O.X.Y. participatory action research (PAR) project is a territorial-wide project that uses a grounded theory method and participatory actio...
Principal Investigator:Tordiff, Robert Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to: 1) identify components of existing frameworks that might be suitable for a NWT cultural competency framework; 2) to measure the impact of frameworks on physician perception of patients; and, 3) to provide a foundation from which to begin design of a cultural competency framework and training program for health and social service care providers.
Principal Investigator:Cohen, Alice Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The objectives of this project are to: 1) highlight the specifically northern dimensions of resource governance in environmental geography; 2) contribute to ongoing resource governance development in southern NWT; 3) further geographic (and specifically, scalar) scholarship on the political dimensions of ecosystem governance; and, 4) understand and theorize the relationship(s) between ecosystem go...
Principal Investigator:Raine, Kim D Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
POWER UP! (Policy Opportunity Windows: Engaging Research Uptake in Practice), strives to build knowledge, resources, and skills of the public, practitioners, and decision makers to develop and implement policy activities to create healthier environments. POWER UP! involves three jurisdictions: Alberta, Northwest Territories, and Quebec.
Throughout the 3-year duration of the project, evaluation...
Principal Investigator:Estabrooks, Carole A Licensed Year(s):
20152014 Summary:
The purpose of the study is to identify and understand existing advice seeking networks among nursing homes in Canada.
The overall objectives of the study are to:
1. identify the structure of existing informal inter-organizational relationships among 958 nursing homes in Atlantic, Western and Northern Canada;
2. identify which nursing homes within the overall network link different groups of ho...
Principal Investigator:Rich, Rebecca Licensed Year(s):2016
To develop a set of contextually appropriate health system performance indicators for maternity care in circumpolar regions. Specific attention will be placed on indicators that reflect the responsiveness of the health system to the needs of the population.
This study will be conducted in two phases. First, a scoping review (broad literature review) of available performance/quality indicator...
Principal Investigator:Farmer, Drew Licensed Year(s):
By developing recommendations aimed at closing gaps it is expected that there will be improvements in employee morale, recruitment and retention, and organizational efficiency that will positively impact corporate profitability.
The primary research will consist of employee surveys and interviews that will seek to 1) validate the findings of the Organizational Cultural Inventory; 2) determine t...