Principal Investigator:Kronstal, Alana Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research is to document the experiences, perspectives and support needs of community mental health and addiction workers in the NWT.
The researcher will gather data through interviews with GNWT mental health and addictions service providers in various communities. Paraprofessionals from all of the regional health authorities will be asked to volunteer to participate in the ...
Principal Investigator:Underwood, Jane Licensed Year(s):
This study is the third part of a 3- project study that began in September 2006. Its overall goal is to investigate how community health nursing (CHN) services could be optimized. Project 1 explored the demographic characteristics of community health nurses in Canada by reviewing CIHI data from the nursing colleges. Project 2 involved a survey of CHNs across Canada (except Ontario) using a stratif...
Principal Investigator:Underwood, Jane Licensed Year(s):
This national study addresses the enablers and barriers to the practice of nursing in Community Health settings. Factors that hinder as well as facilitate Community Health Nurses to practise the competencies associated with their specialty will be investigated. The information obtained in this project will assist policy planners in improving efficiency in the deployment of nurses and in better sup...
Principal Investigator:Mitchell, Kellie Licensed Year(s):
This participatory action research explores what healthy choices means to NWT youth. Reports call for more focus on promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing illnesses and on individuals taking responsibility for their own well-being. There is a direct correlation between the growing burden of chronic disease and increased costs and effects on the health care system. A collaborative approach toward...
Principal Investigator:Brownlee, Keith Licensed Year(s):
For this research project, social work practitioners in northern and remote communities will be asked to examine distinctions between what theory and methods are appropriate for practice and which are not. This research will examine localization of knowledge which includes consideration of culture, community and values in adapting appropriate practices.
Research will be conducted in five commu...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2003
The focus of these studies will be to identify, collect, and verify existing socio-economic baseline information, including the local/regional wage and subsistence economies, population, labour force, community facilities, services, accommodation, local/...
Principal Investigator:Doherty, Maryanne Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
The research team will interview students in Grades 7, 9 and 11 (generally ages 12, 14 and 16) from across Canada to examine the changes that occur in sexual health behaviors and attitudes at critical development stages in adolescence. Nationally, data will be collected from a sample of 1150 students in each of Grades 7, 9 and 11. This method will simulate a longitudinal study of sexual health, ...
Principal Investigator:Willows, Noreen Licensed Year(s):
The Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) of Health Canada, in collaboration with Katherine Gray-Donald (School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University) is sponsoring a research investigation to understand the prevalence of high and low infant birth weight and associated health complications in aboriginal communities across Canada. The goal of this research is to facilitate progra...
Principal Investigator:Tremblay, Rick Licensed Year(s):
A similar questionnaire given in 1982, 1987 and 1993 will be used for this tobacco use survey for 1998/99. The information obtained from the data will provide a snap shot of tobacco use by students between grades 4 and 12 for 1998/99. The data will be compared with previous studies to see if there was a change in the smoking habits of students. The data collected will help the Health Promotion s...
Principal Investigator:MacNeil, Chuck Licensed Year(s):20001999
This study will serve to establish the types & levels of organochlorines and heavy metals in maternal and cord blood samples, and the level of mercury in hair samples from participants in the area served by the Inuvik Regional & Social Services Board. Sampling protocol has been outlined technical specialists in the field of organochlorine in blood and mercury in hair. Participating mothers deliver...