32 record(s) found in the location "Gwich'in Settlement Area" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Navigating the Arctic Firescape: Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Variations and Land Use Practices in Northern Canada
Principal Investigator: Sonnentag, Oliver
Licensed Year(s): 2024
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5958. The main objective of this project is to understand the perceptions of Indigenous community members, from the ISR and/or the GSA, of how wildfires have modified, and might modify, the landscape and their relationship with it. The Principle Investigator will conduct a dozen semi-structured interviews with community...

The Sounds of Tukudh
Principal Investigator: Horowitz, Wayne
Licensed Year(s): 2016
Summary: The immediate aims of The Sounds of Tukudh Project are: 1) to protect the existing recordings of the Tukudh Bible; 2) to place on record recording(s) of the Tukudh Syllabarium; and, 3) to begin the process of making a bibliography of existing recordings of Gwich’in. The first goal will be met through the technical means of re-recording the existing tapes of the Tukudh Bible in digital form. T...

Tracing Trails with Gwich'in: Poetics, Well-Being, Memory, and Land in Circumpolar Canada
Principal Investigator: Loovers, Jan Peter L.
Licensed Year(s): 2011
Summary: The objective of this project is to re-trace Gwich’in articulations in life, and to investigate the link between poetics (language and songs), well-being, memory, and land in circumpolar Canada (Fort McPherson and Peel River Watershed). The researcher will use a pedagogical approach. This implies to travel, work and live with Tetlit Gwich'in in Fort McPherson and in the Peel River Watershed. D...

Death and Dying: Perspectives of a First Nations Community in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Blake, Ruth A
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: The licence is issued for the scientific research application #858. The objective of the research project is to understand how the Gwich'in people of Fort McPherson perceived death and dying historically, and how death and dying is currently viewed. This research also aims to document protocols surrounding death and dying in the this community. The knowledge may educate those in the medical an...

Gwich'in Traditional Food for Health
Principal Investigator: Kuhnlein, Harriet V
Licensed Year(s): 2008 2007 2006 2005
Summary: The intent of this study is to create sustainable, community-driven activities to improve diet for the Tetlit Gwich’in. The focus is on young women and children. The questions are: can diet be improved over a 2+ year program of food-based interventions? What impact does this have on health? How can traditional food be enhanced? What can be done to improve accessibility and use of quality market f...

Arctic Red River Headwaters: Heritage Resources and Traditional Use
Principal Investigator: Benson, Kristi
Licensed Year(s): 2007
Summary: The objective of this study is to obtain Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), including traditional use and place names information, related the headwaters of the Arctic Red River in preparation for a preliminary archaeological survey of the area. So far, the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) has conducted a literature review and traditional use interviews on the area. Through these...

Traditional Knowledge Study of Arctic Red and Mackenzie River Fisheries
Principal Investigator: Millar, Nathan P
Licensed Year(s): 2006
Summary: Gwich’in people living in Tsiigehtchic have fished for broad whitefish, lake whitefish, inconnu, and ciscoes along the Arctic Red and Mackenzie Rivers for generations. Today, fishing is still an important livelihood, and fish comprise a major food source. The proper management of these resources is, therefore, a priority in the community of Tsiighetchic. A five-year study completed by the Gwich’in...

Gwich'in Views on the Mackenzie Gas Project, Gwich'in Settlement Area, NWT, Canada
Principal Investigator: Salokangas, Raila M
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The objectives of this study are 1) to gather and analyze views and opinions of the Mackenzie Gas Project (MGP) and its possible impacts on the culture, socio-economics and environment from Gwich’in beneficiaries living in Aklavik, Inuvik, Fort McPherson and Tsiigehtchic, and 2) to distribute this information back to communities. The field work will be conducted by Raila Salokangas (the resear...

2005 Traditional Knowledge Studies in the Gwich'in Settlement Area
Principal Investigator: Povey, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 2005 2004 2003 2002
Summary: This project is a continuation of traditional knowledge (TK) studies in the Gwich'in Settlement Area (GSA), which were initiated in 2002 as part of the baseline studies and assessment for the Mackenzie Gas Project. The Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) will conduct the study in the GSA as a subcontractor to the Mackenzie Project Environment Group. The study will proceed under the gui...

Social-Ecological Indicators for Community Based Monitoring and Resource Management
Principal Investigator: Parlee, Brenda L
Licensed Year(s): 2004 2003
Summary: This project involves working with the Gwich'in Renewable Resources Board, the Tetlit Gwich'in Renewable Resources Committee and elders/harvesters from Fort McPherson to document traditional indicators and methods for community-based monitoring. The main...