Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
20042003 Summary:
The researchers did a number of baseline studies during 2001 through 2004 as part of the Mackenzie Gas Project. These studies are continuing in 2005. Local knowledge and technical/scientific research is being used to design plans, assess impacts, and develop environmental protection plans.
The aquatics field crews will consist of two Mackenzie Project Environment Group researchers and a local as...
Principal Investigator:Graburn, Larry Licensed Year(s):2005
This research forms part of an aerial reconnaissance program to observe the characteristic break-up patterns at selected watercourse crossings along the proposed pipeline right-of-way from the Deh Cho region in the south to the Inuvialuit Settlement Regi...
Principal Investigator:Metikosh, Serge Licensed Year(s):
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on 111 watercourse crossings along the tentative pipeline corridor in the Gwich'in Settlement Area. The amount of work to be completed at each watercourse crossing will be determined during the reconnaissance level survey and will largely be driven by their size and flow characteristics. Smaller watercourses (t...