Principal Investigator:Lamontagne-Cumiford, Mathieu Licensed Year(s):
With the CBC reporting that close to five-thousand tourists made the journey to Tuktoyaktuk by the newly completed highway during the first summer after its opening (Last, CBC, Nov 15th, 2018), an exciting moment for tourism is presenting itself for Western Arctic communities. With such enthusiasm from tourists in the first season of accessibility, this project asks: who makes the journey down the...
Principal Investigator:Chappell, Hayley Licensed Year(s):
The overall goal of the project is to examine the various factors which motivate tourists to select locations Canadian Arctic, such as Inuvik, as a travel destination. The researcher will be interviewing tourists traveling to Inuvik. A questionnaire form and/or a personal interview will be used to ask questions about their visit to the Northwest Territories. All participants will have the objectiv...
Principal Investigator:Pisani, Shane Licensed Year(s):
My research collection will be comprised of both interviews for key stakeholders and surveys amongst all stakeholders in the tourism industry. I am anticipating beginning interviews and surveys in early August and completing the research by mid-September 1998. The interviews and surveys will involve government agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGO's)- no individual names will be used. T...
Principal Investigator:Zimmerman, Dennis Licensed Year(s):
The research is designed to provide a potential "streamlined" model for the application and approval process of tourism entrepreneurs in the western arctic. The researcher will be based in Inuvik. Data collection to be used: literature and document review, key informant interviews, participant observation and personal journal. Researcher will conduct approximately 20 interviews with government o...
Principal Investigator:Notzke, Claudia Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will administer a questionnaire to visitors in the campground, in hotels and on tours; interview federal and territorial government officials, members of the Joint Secretariat and Renewable Resource Committees; and individuals active in the tourism industry. The researcher will also sample one or two day trips out of Inuvik (as a "participant observer"), and visit Tuktoyaktuk to lo...
Principal Investigator:White, Gary Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will use simplified geological maps, diagrams, colour photgraphs and text to illustrate the geology and geological history along the highway. Emphasis will be on points of interest travellers can visit and photograph....
Principal Investigator:Kershaw, Linda J. Licensed Year(s):
To compile distributional data for plants growing within the Dempster Highway Corridor and to complete a photographic collection of the species present. To complete a pictorial (flora) of the Dempster Highway and to provide information about the ecosystems along the route and the natural history of major physiographic regions. Final report will be a book....
Principal Investigator:Butler, R.W. Licensed Year(s):
To examine the compatibility of hydrocarbon development and the tourist industry and related resources in the Mackenzie Delta and surrounding area....