Principal Investigator:Alvarez, Alejandro Licensed Year(s):
20232022 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5791.
The objectives of this study are to (1) evaluate the geologic setting including geochemistry, and dating of sediments to establish a regional history of the area. (2) investigate the geologic setting of multiple buried, massive ice bodies. And (3) develop a geologic and hazards map along the ITH, highlighting feature...
Principal Investigator:Dibike, Yonas Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5723.
To measure ice snow depth, ice thickness and composition survey on Noell Lake in the spring.
Sample locations from previous years are located using a handheld GPS. On ice snow depth is measured using
a tape measure. An ice auger is used to penetrate the ice cover and evaluate if white ice is present. If present
Principal Investigator:Dibike, Yonas Licensed Year(s):
202120202019201820172016 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5155.
The objective of this project is to complete on ice snow depth, ice thickness and composition survey along with collection under ice core water quality information.
Sample locations from previous years are located using a handheld GPS. On ice snow depth is measured using a tape measure. An ice auger is used to pene...
Principal Investigator:Hendricks, Stefan Licensed Year(s):
Fundamental sea ice properties such as volume and surface characteristics change significantly within and between years. Arctic sea ice extent and thickness have undergone dramatic changes in the past decades.
The strength of ice-albedo feedback mechanism depends on area-averaged ice concentration, snow and ice thickness and in summer significantly on melt pond fraction. The sea ice retreat in ...
Principal Investigator:Walker, Anne E Licensed Year(s):
Environment Canada plans to measure snow depth, snow density and snow water equivalent (water storage in the snowpack), as well as lake ice thickness and structure for comparison with microwave radiometer measurements.
Researchers have started to use microwave data from satellites for assessing snow water equivalent (SWE). Field tests to investigate the use of microwave sensors indicate that SW...
Principal Investigator:Prowse, Terry D Licensed Year(s):
2007200620052004 Summary:
The objective of this study is to quantify the frequency and magnitude of ice jams in the Mackenzie River Delta; the hydroclimatic conditions controlling the occurrence of ice jams and associated floods; to develop a hydraulic model of ice jamming for the Mackenzie Delta, and to investigate the importance of deep scour holes in the Mackenzie River.
Quarterly field trips are scheduled for mid-Ma...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
20042003 Summary:
The researchers did a number of baseline studies during 2001 through 2004 as part of the Mackenzie Gas Project. These studies are continuing in 2005. Local knowledge and technical/scientific research is being used to design plans, assess impacts, and develop environmental protection plans.
The aquatics field crews will consist of two Mackenzie Project Environment Group researchers and a local as...
Principal Investigator:Sherstone, David A. Licensed Year(s):19931992
19901988 Summary:
Simple, inexpensive ice thickness gauges are installed on river channel ice. Usually 3-4 gauges per channel. Twenty gauges are installed in the Mackenzie Delta and 12 in Hay River. Every 10 days the gauges are read to obtain the total ice,white ice and snow quantities at each site. From this data the rates of ice growth and decay can be calculated and the approximate date at which the ice will...