Principal Investigator:Hovel, Rachel A Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5062.
The two primary objectives are to: 1) maintain a community-based monitoring program of luk dagaii (broad whitefish, Coregonus nasus; herein referred to as whitefish) in the Peel River watershed, based in the communities of Fort McPherson, Aklavik, and Tsiigehtchic. Specifically, the research team measure fundamental b...
Principal Investigator:Moore, Jonathan Licensed Year(s):
2017 Summary:
The objective of this research is to establish a community-based monitoring program in the Peel River watershed, based in Fort McPherson.
Previous research has shown that multiple whitefish ecotypes (non-anadromous, semi-anadromous and anadromous, utilize the Peel River as spawning habitat, but it is unclear how much each ecotype contributes to harvester catches. As different ecotypes occupy d...
Principal Investigator:Howard, Kimberly Licensed Year(s):
The main objectives of this study are to determine baseline population status and develop reliable indicators of population abundance and mortality rates of key harvested fish species (lake whitefish and broad whitefish) in the Travaillant Lake system and to identify and determine the relative abundance and species composition of other species within the lake system.
Field crews will be transp...
Principal Investigator:Harris, Les Licensed Year(s):
2004 Summary:
In this study, researchers will use helicopters and radio telemetry to identify the seasonal movement patterns of Travaillant Lake broad whitefish, and their use of specific habitats and critically important areas such as those used for spawning, rearing and overwintering. For the management of fish and fisheries in the face of industrial development and exploration, it is essential to collect suc...
Principal Investigator:Harris, Les Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this study is to establish a baseline collection of tissue and fin samples from broad whitefish that will eventually be used for phylogeographic analysis and the classification of their genetic population structure.
Local Gwich’in and Inuvialuit fishermen will be asked, on a volunteer-only basis, to collect fins or tissue samples from broad whitefish caught during the subsisten...
Principal Investigator:Tallman, Ross F Licensed Year(s):
1992 Summary:
The researchers will work with other scientists to examine the broad whitefish of the Mackenzie River and associated tributaries of the Arctic Red and Peel Rivers. Features such as population size, migration, growth, age of sexual maturity and mortality will be examined. A study of the traditional knowledge of broad whitefish and fishing in the Mackenzie River will also be developed. Training i...
Principal Investigator:Chang-Kue, Ken T.J. Licensed Year(s):
The field work of this project will involve attaching radio tags or transmitters on 20 broad whitefish at a location approximately 40 km from the mouth of the Arctic Red River. The movements of these whitefish from September to the following June can then be monitored to determine their migration routes, spawning areas and overwintering areas. Data from the radio transmitters is collected by a s...
Principal Investigator:Freeman, Milton M.R. Licensed Year(s):1994
1992 Summary:
Under the direction of the Aklavik and Inuvik HTA's, the research team will carry out interviews with Inuvialuit that are knowledgable about the broad whitefish and its fishery in the local waters. Data to be obtained include information on the traditional fishery, changes to this fishery, knowledge about the breeding and feeding habits, migrations, parasites and diseases, and effects of local en...
Principal Investigator:Chiperzak, Doug Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will conduct a mobile hydroacoustic survey from a 20 ft. boat using a BioSonics dual-beam echo-sounder and recording system. A limited amount of gillnetting will be conducted to provide groundtruthing information for the acoustic data. Target strength analysis will also be conducted....
Principal Investigator:Babaluk, John Licensed Year(s):1993
The researchers will assess the feasibility of tagging large numbers of broad whitefish in the Mackenzie River Delta. Various fishing gear will be tested to evaluate effectiveness for capture and release of fish. The tagging program may be used to train local natives in tagging methods and techniques. Recovery of tagged fish and/or tags will be effected through active recovery from Inuvialuit f...