Principal Investigator:Trimble, Annika EV Licensed Year(s):201820172016201520142013
20112010200920072006 Summary:
The objective of this sub-project is to continue assessing the performance of native plants which were seeded and transplanted into field plots in 2006 and 2007. The research team intends to collect data regarding winter survival, seedling emergence, and overall plant vigour and productivity in order to assess each species' and collection's suitability for use in land reclamation in the NWT.
Principal Investigator:Wright, Stoney J Licensed Year(s):
2006 Summary:
The primary objective of the fieldwork is to collect small samples of seed from grass species in six primary Genera: Festuca, Poa, Deschampsis, Leymus, Elymus and Alopecurus. Other species may be collected. Wild mustard species (Crucifer species) will also be collected. The collections will be compared visually and genetically to other collections of the same or closely related species from Alaska...
Principal Investigator:Morton, J.K. Licensed Year(s):
To collect seeds and herbarium specimens of a number of specimens for subsequent study, laboratory work and classification. Specific interest is in the family Caryophyllaceae (chickweeds)....