Principal Investigator:Hogan, Bernard Licensed Year(s):
This study will involve using survey questionnaires to gather data on student usage of the Internet at Aurora College (Ft. Smith, Inuvik, and Yellowknife campuses). Approximately 150 students will be surveyed in Fort Smith, 70 students in Inuvik, and 150 students in Yellowknife. This data will be evaluated to determine the usefulness of the Internet for communications and research purposes....
Principal Investigator:Richardson, Denrick Licensed Year(s):
The study will follow an ethnographic or qualitative approach. An attempt will be made to interview a total of 100 people representing influential people in the communities....
Principal Investigator:Cameron, Anne-Mieke Licensed Year(s):
The research strategy for this project will be one that facilitates open and naturalistic inquiry. As a qualitative research study, it will draw on emerging themes as they are gained through individual interviews with principals in the N.W.T. This naturalistic study will include thick description of contextual data gathered through interviews and analysis of documents. A limited pilot project s...
Principal Investigator:Wall, Denis Licensed Year(s):
The survey will collect data from students, administrators, teachers, Board members, and other school-based staff. Pilot surveys will be undertaken to test the surveys and to identify necessary changes. A randomly selected group of 30 principals will be asked to collect data on incidents of interpersonal conflict in which they have to intervene. No names will be attached to surveys or descripti...
Principal Investigator:McCreadie, Mary Licensed Year(s):
Using surveys and discussion groups, we will consult with females students on their education and career planning. We will focus on math and science education and careers. Math and science teachers and school counsellors will be surveyed and classroom activities will be monitored. Data will also be collected on enrolment statistics for male and female students in math and science courses....
Principal Investigator:Delisi, Joanne C. Licensed Year(s):19941993
Ms. Delisi ill investigate the role of art in the lives of women in the Western Arctic, the effect of formal and traditional education in the early learning of women's art forms and how the role of women in the family and society has changed through art. Research will also be conducted to determine how increased pressure on women to support their families has changed the art forms and how the wome...
Principal Investigator:Gowans, Bill Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will use a questionnaire to chart responses from all principals in the N.W.T as to their experiences in pre-arrival, arrival and succession....
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The Researchers will interview students (ages 12 to 18 years) identified by Divisional Boards or local Education Councils/Authorities as at risk of leaving school before completing grade 12 and those students in this age group who have already left school. The study will determine what influences affected their decision to leave school....
Principal Investigator:Krause, Arnold Licensed Year(s):
This research will be conducted in the hope of creating some insight into how to improve or maintain levels of job satisfaction....
Principal Investigator:Yazdanmehr, Susan Licensed Year(s):
A survey of teachers, education administrators, community health and social service personnel, selected personnel in the Territorial departments of Education, Health and Social Services will be conducted. The information is to be used to develop further implementation strategies for comprehensive school health in the N.W.T....