26 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Designing Appropriate Dispute Resolution Processes for use in Civil Matters in the Northwest Territories
Principal Investigator: Posynick, James
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The objectives of this study are to increase access to justice by increasing the availability of Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to NWT residents and to assist communities in using existing ADR or developing socially/culturally and legally...

Using Literature to Stimulate Critical Self-Reflection
Principal Investigator: MacPherson, Mike
Licensed Year(s): 2000
Summary: Critical self-reflection is important for people to deal with the challenges of late modern or postmodern society, which are characterized by pluralism, rapid change and unpredictability. Critical self-reflection has been ignored in the foci of adult learning and there have been few studies examining the process of stimulating such thought. The researcher will use the facilitated experience wit...

The Management of Bisons in Northern Canada
Principal Investigator: Martel, Stephane
Licensed Year(s): 1995
Summary: The researcher will conduct 15 interviews in three communities around Wood Buffalo National Park as part of a study using a systemic methodlogy that includes reviewing official documents and media coverage as well as on site visits....

Northern River Basins Study Traditional Knowledge Documentation Project
Principal Investigator: Bill, Lea
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Summary: The primary focus of this study will be on the older population (65 years and older). Data on traditional knowledge will be collected by interviews, survey questionnaire, and audio and video taping. Information gathered will be used to document the history of traditional ecological knowledge and to demonstrate the value of traditional ecological knowledge in scientific research and in predictions ...

The Role of Scientific Information in the Environmental Assessment Process
Principal Investigator: Satterthwaite, Andrew
Licensed Year(s): 1992
Summary: The researcher will investigate perceptions of northern residents concerning their participation in environmental assessment hearings. This information will be used in a larger project looking at the role of scientific and traditional knowledge in the environmental assessment process....

Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Principal Investigator: Berkes, Fikret
Licensed Year(s): 1989
Summary: Mr. Berkes will be assisting the Dene Cultural Institute in a pilot project on Dene Traditional Knowledge. They will be talking to the Dene in the Fort Smith region to learn of the role of the hunters, their traditional ways of hunting and preserving the...