Principal Investigator:Brown, Micaela Licensed Year(s):
The main rationale for this project is to contribute to the ongoing development of Network North, a health and research information-sharing network being formed by both institutional and northern community partners. Within this larger framework, this res...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
Aboriginal people make up half of the total NWT population but are underrepresented in segments of the voluntary sector. The NWT Literacy Council, the YWCA of Yellowknife, and the Native Women's Association of the NWT want to gain an understanding of Abo...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Judith Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to explore the ways in which Aboriginal Social Work Managers/Supervisors who live and work in rural/remote northern communities take care of themselves (i.e., maintain their physical/mental health), and, from their experience...
Principal Investigator:Gibbons, Hugh Licensed Year(s):
This research project aims to develop "best-practice" implementation and management guidelines for wood bison recovery projects involving Aboriginal communities. Individuals who are directly involved in existing and proposed wood bison recovery projects...
Principal Investigator:Kielly, Harry Licensed Year(s):
This project is part of the requirements of a Master of Education program at the University of Aberdeen and will a) provide information to enhance the delivery of programs and potentially increase the success rate in Community Learning Centres; b) suppor...
Principal Investigator:Ruttan, Lia Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
The objective of this study is to understand the process whereby Aboriginal elders in the community of Fort Smith have engaged in exploring and responding to historical events over the past century. These accounts have not yet been collected or analyzed...
Principal Investigator:Tymchak, Michael Licensed Year(s):
This review was initiated by Aurora College as part of explorations along with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment related to providing opportunities for northerners to complete the Bachelor of Education degree in the NWT. The project pur...
Principal Investigator:Pope, Liz Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this research project is to examine a learning community by collecting the insights of the Thebacha Campus community through an appreciative framework. The proposed target population will be staff members working at one campus at a communi...
Principal Investigator:Auchterlonie, Sandy Licensed Year(s):
This project will help to provide an understanding of 1) the transitions youth in the NWT face; 2) the difficulties that sometimes go along with transitions; 3) what helps transitions go smoothly; and 4) the programs, services and other resources youth n...
Principal Investigator:Tolley, Muriel Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will complete a descriptive study using qualitative methods. Beginning teachers in Northwest Territories communities will be surveyed to identify their professional, personal and cultural needs and to identify the most useful supports provided during their induction period. Each participant will be interviewed three times during the year: October, February, June, with the followin...