Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
There are three objectives for this research project:
I) Understand Northwest Territories (NWT) resident male boaters’ behaviours and attitudes towards water safety. Given that rates of drowning are higher in the NWT, it would be dangerous to assume that male NWT residents have the same attitudes and behaviours concerning boat safety as their female and non-NWT resident counterparts. In particula...
Principal Investigator:Hampton, Mary Licensed Year(s):20152014
20122011 Summary:
This study will:
1. Integrate several sources of data to create an action plan that maps the socio-spatial problem of intimate partner
2. Create narratives describing community response in rural and northern areas of the Prairie Provinces and the NWT; and
3. Generate a grounded theory as a practical tool to create and sustain non-violent communities in these regions of Canada.
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):
2002 Summary:
This project is a continuation of socio-economic and traditional knowledge studies in the Deh Cho Region, which were initiated in 2002 as part of the baseline studies and assessment for the Mackenzie Gas Project. The primary focus of the socio-economic...
Principal Investigator:Irlbacher-Fox, Stephanie Licensed Year(s):
2001 Summary:
The research will be conducted by the principal investigator and a researcher/translator. Research will take place between 1 August and 31 December, 2001, and will be conducted in Ft. Simpson and other Deh Cho communities, as decided by Deh Cho advisors and the research team. Information will be collected by interviewing Elders and others, individually or in groups, and through the use of works...
Principal Investigator:Wade, Bill Licensed Year(s):
The research involves collecting baseline data from previous and current distance education initiatives that the College has been engaged in and examining strategies employed by other educational organizations. In addition an needs assessment will be conducted in order to identify opportunities for program delivery via distance education technology....