Principal Investigator:Giles, Audrey R. Licensed Year(s):
The research question is "how can on-the-land programming strengthen Sahtú residents’ ability to avoid the need for search and rescue and their chances of survival if search and rescue is needed?"
The main objectives of this project are to:
1) provide youth with the opportunity to experience life on-the-land in a safe and controlled environment;
2) share traditional knowledge from elders to y...
Principal Investigator:Holton, Gary Licensed Year(s):
The research objective is to document Sahtú Dene and Yellowknives Dene astronomy and sky-related knowledge. Results will appear in the researcher’s Ph.D. dissertation on Northern Dene astronomy and may be published in a book on the same topic at a later date. The research team will also produce educational materials for participating communities such as a bilingual star chart, lists of sky-related...
Principal Investigator:March, Maya Licensed Year(s):
The immediate goal and objective of the project is to collect Aboriginal knowledge for a climate change vulnerability assessment project for Tuktut Nogait National Park.
Travellers, outfitters and hunters have been making observations in Tuktut Nogait National Park as part of their regular travel and activities in the park. Their recent observations will be discussed with members of the Aborigi...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):
201520142013 Summary:
The main objective of this project is to support the wildlife management initiatives proposed by the Renewable Resource Councils (RRCs) in the Sahtú Region through the development of a robust research program that incorporates multiple sources of knowledge into a detailed understanding of caribou and moose populations. The objectives are to monitor caribou and moose health and understand populatio...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1. assess the vulnerability of Déline community members to climate change impacts with a focus on impacts to harvesting practices and country food security now and in the future;
2. identify adaptation strategies currently employed or possible for future application by community members in order to mitigate any adverse impacts to traditional harves...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deborah L Licensed Year(s):
This project will gather and present Sahtú Dene and Métis traditional knowledge about the Species At Risk-listed wolverine and its habitat. It will include:
1. A literature review;
2. Interviews and a regional meeting involving knowledge holders from all five Sahtú communities (Tulít'a, Déline, Fort Good Hope, Colville Lake, and Norman Wells); and
3. The development of future projects for rela...
Principal Investigator:Simmons, Deb Licensed Year(s):
2014 Summary:
This project includes five linked components.
1. Finalizing and contextualizing the Sahtú Settlement Harvest Study and assessing future harvest monitoring possibilities with community workshops. Engagement with harvesters in workshops will address the potential of harvest monitoring as a tool for community empowerment in wildlife management and to support and maintain the traditional economy.
Principal Investigator:Fletcher, Alana Licensed Year(s):2015
The project the principal researcher will be undertaking in Deline, NWT, is part of a dissertation, which examines how the Deline Dene's assessments of the risks of uranium mining on Great Bear Lake proliferated from the geographical and political margins to the center, prompting public and official responses. As the source of these environmental risk assessments is the oral histories of the Delin...
Principal Investigator:Coulthard, Glen Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research project are to:
1) document, evaluate and support the development of Dechinta Bush University Centre for Research and Learning; Including:
A. governance practices, institutional structures and partnerships,
B. teaching quality,
C. the integration of land-based learning with university programming,
D. students' personal and academic development and success, ...
Principal Investigator:Rice, Keren Licensed Year(s):20172016201520142013
20112010 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to document Dene stories, language and song as a way of understanding governance and land stewardship.
The research follows the participatory method established by the Deline Uranium Team and Deline Knowledge Project. Déline governance will ensure that the research meets agreed-upon objectives benefiting the community; that Déline, Northwest Territories...