7 record(s) found in the location "Dehcho Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Modified Phase II Environmental Site Assessment O-35 Wellsite
Principal Investigator: Miller, Samantha
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a site investigation to evaluate potential environmental impact associated with daily facility operations associated with the O-35 wellsite. In August 2002, an Environmental Site Assessment was conducted....

Modified Phase II Environmental Site Assessment N-01 Wellsite
Principal Investigator: Miller, Samantha
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a site investigation to evaluate potential environmental impact associated with daily facility operations associated with the N-01 wellsite and to set up background concentrations of parameters for the lea...

Modified Phase II-III Environmental Site Assessment F-36 Wellsite
Principal Investigator: Miller, Samantha
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002
Summary: The objectives of this assessment are to conduct a soil investigation and remediation associated with the flare stack at the Paramount Resources Ltd. F-36 Wellsite. In August 2002, a modified Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted. The bas...

Post Construction Water Quality Monitoring and Pipeline Monitoring for the Liard Pipeline and Gathering Project, Fort Liard, NT and Maxhamish Area, BC
Principal Investigator: Ferguson, Gordon
Licensed Year(s): 2003 2002
Summary: A total of eight permanent sampling transects will be established along the pipeline right-of-way; two in each of the four dominant representative vegetation habitats. Site-specific evaluations at each transect will measure re-vegetative success using ve...

Assessment of Stream Crossings for Planned Improvements to the Mackenzie Valley Winter Road.
Principal Investigator: Johnstone, Robin
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The proposed field program is designed to provide site-specific information on stream crossings, for planned improvements to the Mackenzie Valley winter road route. Researchers will travel to the crossing sites by helicopter from the closest community. At each crossing location, habitat assessments, water quality samples and fish census techniques (outlined in the DFO fisheries research permit) m...

Chevron Ft. Liard Potential Routing Selection Program
Principal Investigator: Machtans, Hillary
Licensed Year(s): 1999
Summary: The purpose of this study is to collect information about a variety ecosystems crossed by or in close proximity to the potential routes for a proposed pipeline. Fisheries and water quality studies will involve a survey of fish habitat, and of the water quality of any water bodies allong the proposed routes. Any fish collection will be outlined by Department of Fisheries and Oceans research permits...

Thor Lake Beryllium Project Environmental Baseline Study
Principal Investigator: Digel, Mark
Licensed Year(s): 1998 1997
Summary: Fisheries investigations, including habitat identification and possibly gill netting, will be conducted in the four small lakes located within the watershed of the orebody of the Thor Lake site. In lakes with fish, will collect 10 fish (up to two species) for chemical analysis. Fisheries investigations, including habitat mapping, gill netting (to verify fish community), will be undertaken in the...