Principal Investigator:Duk-Rodkin, Alejandra ADR Licensed Year(s):2007
20052004 Summary:
This project involves surficial geology mapping of unmapped areas of NTS 95 G, H, and I, (61ºN to 63ºN and 120ºW to 124ºW) to assess granular resources, slope instability (landslide occurrence and potential) due to instability of the active layer, forest fires, erosion, and other factors, and regional geochemical analysis of till and gravel samples.
The GSC will be working to improve our under...
Principal Investigator:Povey, Andrew Licensed Year(s):20042003
Route and site selection flights will be used to: (1) determine the location for a potential natural gas pipeline route and associated developments through the Deh Cho Region; (2) visually inspect and confirm land forms and geotechnical features; (3) identify land features that may be important to the location or construction of a potential gas pipeline; and (4) determine the locations for poten...